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Oh god!! This was supposed to be out so much sooner, and I fudged it. Whoops! Welp, anyway, Brohm, cause that's what this story is about~
(Also guess who ordered a miniladd shirt~~)(#SpaceFillers)(god, I don't know where I'm going with this)(well, let's all find out together)
#Sorry - Leachess
The past week had been... Eventful, to say the least. Having Ohm around caused slight difficulty for Bryce to get anything dancing related sorted out. Well, Ohm caused problems in general. Bryce had found him in the weirdest places at the weirdest times, just like back then. Sometimes Bryce just needed a break, unfortunately Ohm isn't that easy to shake off.
"Where you going?"
"Out" Bryce let out a sigh, picking up his 'gym' bag. Bryce hated leaving Ohm alone in the apartment out of fear for his privacy and everything in the lovely abode.
"Can I come?"
"Why not?" Here we go again
"Because, reasons"
"That convinced me" Ohm made his way over to Bryce, and the door.
"C'mon, at least tell me where you're going~" Ohm had Bryce unintentionally pined to the door, and Bryce did not have a clear mind.
"Uhh.." This was another thing that has started over the week Ohm had been staying over. Every time he did something, anything it seemed, Bryce would get all fluttery and it seemed that Ohm knew all the right buttons to push. Like now, as Ohm was definitely getting closer and Bryce was getting uncomfortable with the rapidly shrinking distance between the two.
"It-it's none of your business"
Ohm just raised an eyebrow. Oh gosh, he was going to have to lie to leave wasn't he? Yeah, that's what's going to have to happen.
Bryce let out a small huff and pushed Ohm back, hand tingling from the contact with his chest.
"Alright, fine, you win. I'm going over to Luke's place, we were going to go to the gym for a while"
"Why can't I come with you then, if that's all it is?"
"Because, you've been crowding me all week! Luke offered to babysit, but I found it better if I hung out with him and give you some space as well"
Ohm starred, before letting out a snort. He grinned at Bryce.
"All right, all right. No need to get all defensive, you can go" Ohm backed up, casting his gaze towards the ground.
"Just tell me the truth when you're ready" Ohm turned around and headed towards the couch where he lazily threw himself, leaving a confused and conflicted Bryce to exit the apartment, climb down the stairs, get into his car, and drive to the dance studio.

Bryce sat next to his bag, taking a sip out of his water bottle. Watching his fellow peers test moves and practice to music. His phone buzzed, and Bryce just needed to glance at it to know who was texting him. Ohm would not stop texting, wondering when he'll get back, what's he been doing, if Bryce could stop by the store and get some more juice pouches from the store, ect. Bryce let out a sigh and decided that it was time to go home and make sure the rabbit didn't destroy his place.
Bryce dropped the box of juice pouches on the counter, and stood in suspicious silence. This very much concerned Bryce, considering the lack of mess in the living room and kitchen. Walking with caution, Bryce kept his eyes peeled for a tall, handsome, grey rabbit hiding in the shadows. He nudged open door anfer door in the hall...
...Only to find Ohmwrecker passed out on Bryce's bed, clutching one of the pillows, face buried in pillow and blanket. Bryce let out a sigh of relief and set his bag down quietly, as to not wake the beast. Bryce scooped up a plain white tee and his comfy pajama pants and changed in the bathroom. Walking back into the room that the two just decided to share after the couch incident, Bryce plopped down onto the bed only to find out that: one, the rabbit wasn't fully asleep, and two, Ohm was really warm... Bryce found himself falling asleep easily, wrapped up in Ohms arms, head nestled against his chest listening to the steady heart beat of the one who was surely stealing his heart.
Not one thought surfaced to mind that maybe it was all for not, and he would end up heartbroken once again. Forced to see that it had all been lies in the end.

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