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Daichi awoke, covered in sweat and his breathing falling short. Eyes widening, he flipped over and stretched his arm out to brush over the other half of the bed. It was empty and cool, the opposite of the warm indent that was usually there.

So it wasn't a dream.

The room was dark and the buzz of the air conditioning was the only sound to be heard. He groaned and ran his hand through the mess of hair atop his head. His other half was now gone and he had no idea what to do. Call him too attached or obsessive, but they did almost everything together. From shopping to even doing the dishes. Ridiculous, he knows.

Hesitating for a split second, Daichi stretched his arms over his head and rolled over to the edge of the bed. He sat up and visibly shuddered at the cold atmosphere once the air hit him.

Slowly, Daichi stood up and made his way to the controls of the air conditioning attached to the wall. Right above the chipped frame that held a picture taken on their first date. His eyes lingered on the picture for a second too long before he forced himself to turn away. Just one picture brought up dozens of things he didn't want to remember.

They all flashed in his head. All the horrid memories, the harsh words that were simply ignored later by pointless apologies. Funny enough, they knew what they had was dysfunctional and unstable, yet they stayed by each other's side for three long years.

"I can't take it anymore! I've been with you for so long when I could've been doing something better with my life! All you do is want me there by your side twenty-four seven! It's really fucking annoying, but I've had to suck it up and ignore it cause you're too sensitive!"

"Then why don't you just leave?"


Daichi remembered the door slamming shut so hard that it echoed through the entire apartment. Then waiting for him to come back home at three in the morning, drunk and slurring an apology that he was foolish enough to accept.

After all, drunk words are a sober person's thoughts, right? Well, it looks like he was wrong.

Daichi banged his head against the wall to snap himself out of the hell he had buried in his memories. It didn't hurt at all though. He just felt numb and lifeless.

Heaving out a sigh, he dragged his feet all the way to the kitchen. Right away, something bright yellow caught his eye and he picked up the pace as he made his way towards it.

There was a note laying on the counter, words scrawled across the paper as if the writer was rushing to leave. Daichi felt a spark of hope, but it was quickly died out as he read the message.

"I'll be back sometime later to pick up my things."

Short, blunt, and the exact opposite of what he wanted to see. Daichi crumbled the paper and threw it in the trash, not even bothering to read it over a second time. He fixed himself some coffee and plopped onto the couch. Taking a sip, he pondered what to do next, but before he could sort anything out, the phone rang.

Daichi didn't care to check the caller I.D. so he breathlessly answered the phone.

"I-Is it really you? Are you coming back? Was it all just a sick joke? Please. I need you." He bombarded the person on the other line with desperate questions, thinking that it was him.

"Woah there, it's just me." A familiar voice replied through the phone, crushing his hope to myriad pieces.

"Oh." It was Suga, his best friend since high school. Daichi was always happy to talk to him, but right now was an exception.

"You sound disappointed. Is everything okay?" Suga replied his voice heavy with concern, and Daichi could already hear the faint jingle of keys and rustling in the background as well.

"No. I-I'm not okay at all. It hurts, Suga. It hurts so fucking much, like my heart's being ripped out of my chest." He struggled to push the words out of his mouth and he clutched onto the phone as it were his lifeline.

"O-okay. I'm on my way," Suga whispered as the phone shut off with a click.

Daichi dropped the phone onto the pillow and buried his face in his hands as he waited for Suga to arrive. Oh, how it was going to be an extremely long day.

- ✦ -

The person who left Daichi will be revealed in the next chapter.

Who do you guys think he is?

Any thoughts and/or feedback would be greatly appreciated too.

I hope you guys enjoyed the first chapter!


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