Ch. 9 summoning the girls

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WHAT?! Hades is very angry.



Blinking eyes*


I realized I in coffin! I was screaming.

GROWLS* it cherberus! I shouted.

I whistled, come here Megan and jen and tinana.

Patterning paws*


Good girls! I shouted in same time they peeled off coffin.

I hopped on cherberus and toss meat to treat them to ran.

I was running with cherberus to winterland to call the princess.

There winter castle, I whisper.

Suddenly solider blocked me off from winter castle.

She needs help! I shouted.

We neither believe in hades and his son. Soldiers talked.

I NOT SON OF HADES! I whistled to call cherberus to jump over spears and pushed soldiers.

Glass shatters*

It worked! I shouted.

Cherberus just ram many solider whose stab them.

I just arrived to princess's room.

I wrapped and tie my black cape firmly and knock neatly.

SMASH! I just kicked into my style not knock! xD.

Frostbite screamed at me, don't eat me! 

I not going to eat you, I am not carninal. I shouted.

Frostbite just pointing to drooling Cerberus beside me.

This is my girls, Megan and jen and tinana. I said.

Frostbite just touched their noses.

I have to take you someplace.

MOM! Frostbite shouted.

WHAT?! Someone shouted back.

CAN I GO WITH MY FRIEND? Frostbite shouted then hopped on my cherberus's body.

I hopped on jen's head.

My girls going to ran to my room at underworld.


Wow, this is underworld? Frostbite exclaims.

SCAT! I shouted.

Scat walked to my cherberus and grab frostbite.

Go to my room and protect her, SCAT.

I stuffed cottons and paper also cloth, into brown bag it look like body in it.

I tied the bag and hold it and call my cherberus to run to my father.


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