Chapter 1

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AN: Welcome to the fourth book in the Iconia Continuum series, The Hope of Iconia. While it will seem that we are doing this just for the sake of confusing you, everything we do in this story is leading to several highly important events which take place in later chapters.

We are publishing this now, without the entire story finished, as a teaser of what is to come, as well as to show you that it IS on the way. We hope to be able to start publishing regularly very soon.

We do not own Stargate, Star Trek, Eureka, Battlestar Galactica (old or new), Doctor Who, or Star Wars. We wouldn't be writing Fanfiction if we did.

Chapter 1

Daniel Jackson looked around him. The ground was shaking, and several crevices had opened up around his feet. Above him, the star was flaring brightly as the sphere moved. The fields which were designed to hold the star in position were working incredibly hard. They used the largest repulser beams the Q had ever seen to keep the star centered in the sphere, and they were flaring as the sphere shook back and forth.

Daniel sent his mind out to assess the situation, and he was amazed to see that Iconia Prime was flying through an immense wormhole.

"What's happening?

Daniel turned at the inquiry, and saw Ganos Lal running toward him and Vala.

"Somehow, the sphere is in a wormhole," he answered in amazement.

"How can we be in a wormhole?" Vala demanded. "No wormhole is that large."

"This one is." It was Jack Carter. He too, had examined the situation, and come up with the same data.

"How?" Ganos Lal asked again. She had been the Borg Queen for several millennia, and Carter decided that if she didn't know how a wormhole could be as large as this one, it was a very scary situation.

He was about to articulate his feelings when he saw something that didn't bode well for the population of Paris below them.

Out in the ocean, a wave was forming. It was massive. He started to yell for Sarah, then decided there wasn't time. Instead, he acted. The water was receding from the city, and the Seine was starting to form waterfalls where it dumped into the sea.

"We've got to do something!" Vala exclaimed.

"Already doing it," Jack answered. Those on the top of the cliff watched as people dematerialized on the city streets.

Then, the ground shook again, and the cliff they were standing on started to crumble. "I've got it," Daniel said as they found themselves floating. The ground fell away in a landslide beneath their feet.

Outside the sphere, there were flashes like sparks all around. They seemed to be growing in intensity, then as suddenly as a submarine that had blown its ballast breaching the surface, the sphere popped out of the wormhole into normal space.

But unlike before, they weren't in interstellar space. This was intergalactic. They were far between galaxies, with no source of light for millions of AUs.

Where there was once a hilltop, overlooking Paris, a voice called out, "Is everyone alright? My internal sensors are down for the moment."

Daniel looked around and took stock of those floating in midair with him. "We're okay, Sarah."

"Before my sensors went offline, there was a landslide detected where you are. Were my readings in error?"

"They were right, Sarah," Jack told her. "Daniel kept us from falling."

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