Chapter 8

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A/N. We don't own Trek, Dr. Who, Star Wars, Stargate, Eureka, BSG, or any other franchise that I've missed.

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Chapter 8

It was nearly three hours before Tuvok walked down the stairs. As soon as Anakin saw him, he stood and approached the Vulcan.

"Hello, Mr. Tuvok," he said, nodding his head in deference to the older man.

"Mr. Skywalker," Tuvok said, inclining his head in answer, "it is agreeable to see you again. May I ask your business in Camelot?"

"My business is to see you, Sir."

Tuvok paused. "Might I ask why?"

"I wish to learn from you, Sir." At Tuvok's raised eyebrow, he explained. "I wish to gain emotional control."

"I mean no disrespect, Mr. Skywalker, but emotional control has eluded you in the past. It is something which requires much diligence. Will you finish what you start?"

"That is precisely the reason I wish to learn." He looked around, and saw a few people studiously avoiding them with their eyes. He cared little what they thought, however. He was prepared to do whatever it took to win back his wife, and if the price was some embarrassment, so be it.

Tuvok considered, then abruptly asked, "Would now be a convenient time to start?"

Anakin felt a tremendous relief. "Now would be fine, Mr. Tuvok."

"Very well. Accompany me please." He turned and headed out of the embarkation lounge. Anakin was surprised when they entered Cafe Diem. Tuvok sat down in a secluded booth, where their conversation would likely not be overheard. "I do not wish to pry, Mr. Skywalker, however what you are requesting is nearly unprecedented for a human."

Anakin waited while a strange looking man brought water to them. "Hello, Mr. Tuvok," the man said. His skin was a bit lighter than Tuvok's, and he had a strange mottled appearance near his hairline.

"Tuvix," the Vulcan said, nodding a greeting.

"Would you like the usual?" At Tuvok's nod, Tuvix turned to Anakin. "And you, Sir?"

"Just water, please."

"Excellent," Tuvix said. He turned and walked off. Anakin saw that his ears were pointed as a Vulcan's.

"I've never met him," the former Sith commented.

"Mr. Tuvix is an interesting individual." It seemed all Tuvok would say, so Anakin didn't ask any more.

They sat in silence until Tuvix brought their orders. The Vulcan started eating his salad in silence, intentionally giving Anakin an opportunity to explain his request. Finally, Tuvok asked, "Is it your intention to learn emotional control by osmosis?"

"I don't follow?"

"Osmosis is the unconscious absorption or assimilation of ideas. It is frequently accomplished by being in proximity to someone who professes the ideas that you wish to assimilate. Before we ordered our refreshments, I commented that you are requesting something that very few humans do."

"And do you require my reasons?"

Tuvok cocked his head. "It is not required but my ability to teach you will be significantly increased if I know your motivation." When Anakin seemed less than enthusiastic, the Vulcan added, "I assure you that I will treat anything you say as entirely confidential."

The young man thought for a few moments, and Tuvok waited in silence. Finally, "Padme refuses to let me near her or the children because of what I did to the Jedi."

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