Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I sat in the uncomfortable chair next to your bed, I have been here since visiting hours began and now they are soon ending. I stared at your seemingly lifeless body. You looked beautiful,as if you were the sleeping beauty. Your black hair laid perfectly, as if it was purposely laid that way.

I missed seeing those big green eyes, staring up at me as if you could see straight through me. I missed hearing your adorable, sweet, gentle Voice. I missed your adorable dorky little laugh, and occasional snort which always made your cheeks turn a bright red from embarrassment.

It's been nearly a month, me visiting you, talking to you as if you can hear me speak but I know you can't. They expected you to wake up in just a few days, but when you didn't, they started doubting you would wake up at all. By being here all day everyday, I can make sure that if they ever decide to, that the doctors will not pull the plug on you. I know you will wake up, despite the doctor's suspicions. I just don't know  when.

I watched your seemingly lifeless body's chest rise and fall, as your lungs took in oxygen. You had so many wires hooked up to you, so that the doctors could monitor you. I remember the times we had shared, the years before this.

I remember that time at the waterpark when you wanted to go on the biggest slide, but I was scared to death at the thought of riding it. I promised I wouldn't ride it, but you insisted me come in line with you. When the line reached your turn for you to jump in, you unexpectedly grabbed my arm and jumped down the slide, dragging me down with you headfirst. It was admittedly fun, and we ended up waiting in that terrible line four more times just for those ten seconds of sweet adrenaline to course through our veins.

I remember six years ago when we went camping, and we finally were able to share a tent with just the two of us. We stayed up all night, talking and laying games. And when the coyotes started howling, we freaked out and climbed completely under our sleeping bags, thinking that a thin layer of sleeping bag was all we needed to be safe. We ended up calling your dad, and he had to come into our tent and drive us home when the camping trip was cut short because of our stupid fear over a few coyotes.

Our traditions, we had so many. My favorite of all was that every time it would start raining, we would go outside with a music player, and blast music throughout the streets while we danced terribly. We always ended up sick afterwards, but we didn’t care. Got a day off of school.

            I smiled at the memories of you as they replayed in my mind. I stared at your shut eyes, as if I was expecting to them to suddenly open wide, revealing your beautiful green eyes as they looked around the room. It scares me to think about losing you, about not having you as my best friend anymore. I’m not quite sure if I could live that way, without you on my mind every second of everyday. Without being able to see your cheery face everyday, and listen to your voice. My biggest fear is forgetting. Forgetting you. It scares me to think about my memories of you slowly fading away, until they are nothing. I don’t want to forget you, I don’t want them to fade. Everything I think about, leads me straight back to thinking that it should’ve been me.

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