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"Prince is impossible," the curly haired boy said. "How in the hell am I a... a prince?"

"Language, Troye," his mother scolded. She only did it half heartedly though, knowing all the information he was being hit with was a lot to take all at once.

"Oh, Troye, calm down it's not such a big deal." The teen had to glare at his grandmother for a minute to try and see if she was bullshitting him at that moment.

"Oh, yes of course," he said. "It's so normal for someone's grandmother, who they haven't seen for 15 years, shows up and tells them that they're the rightful ruler to a country not a lot of people know about. How stupid am I?" Her highness set her tea cup down and sighed.

"Troye, do try and-"

"No thanks. I have to run." And he actually took off sprinting.


"Hold on," Dustin said. "Tell me all of this again. You're a what?"

"I'm a prince, Dust. An actual prince; crown and everything."

"Do you get your own castle?"

"Not the point."

His best friend laughed on the other line. "It actually kind of is, but not right now. What are you gonna do?"

"What do you mean?" Troye hadn't thought at all about the situation because he was still hoping it was fake.

"Are you gonna abdicate? Are you going to do it?"


Dustin sighed a little. "Give up your right to the throne. That is a possibility." The boy mulled that over a little.

"Would it be smart?"

"Well, no it wouldn't because you'd be giving up a great opportunity that is only given to the best people."

"No need to make me feel guilty or shit."

"But, if you really don't want to do this and you're actually freaking out, just tell your grandmother you can't do it."

"Thanks, Dustin you were a big help." Troye smiled.

"Yeah, no problem. Also, Con says hi."


"Troye Sivan Mellet you will do no such thing."

"But mom," he whined. "I'm not the only kid in the family!"

"I know, baby. And there were rules. We had to go to Steele first, and when he said no we went to you, thinking you were the most responsible." His mother was trying very hard to reason with him and it just wasn't working the way she wanted.

"But Sage! And Tyde!"

"I know, but do you trust either of them to run a country?"

"No," he whispered.

"How about this." She slid her arm around her boy's shoulders. "You go to prince lessons for a few weeks. There's a ball going on at the end of the month in honor of your grandmother. You can make your decision then."

"I guess," the boy grumbled.


Oh this is shit already

Smiles! ❤️❤️❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2016 ⏰

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