Chapter Thirteen ~ The Time Bomb Again

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Erika's pov (approximately two years ago.)

It was a cloudy crisp day, my breath fogged in the air as I left the school building. I was with one of my favorite students. His name was Samuel Flickerman. He was an extremely intelligent boy, and he reminded me much of myself when I was young. His tousled black hair and dark looks were enough to create butterflies in the stomach of any girl. But he wasn't the girl type, he was sort of the leader of his class. His peers looked up to him. There were days when he got under my skin because of his smart-ass remarks, but I saw that he's a special one and I did my best to teach him. There was another thing we had in common, we were both secretly Shadow Nation. He had no living parents and he often came early to class just to talk to me.

So that particular day, he'd stayed after class to help me with some things. He'd ask me a lot of questions that he didn't have a chance to ask in class: Political stuff. But that day, we talked of the struggle it was to stay hidden in a city full of normal blooded people, as Shadow Nation. We didn't wear our people's usual clothing or makeup when we walked about in broad daylight in the city.

"So Miss Riel, I heard that you won that competition a few weeks ago. I can't believe it. Everyone talks about it. I mean, that was really risky for you wasn't it?" He asked as we stood under the canopy roof of the school.

I smiled and studied the cracks in the paved ground, "I suppose yes, that was probably not my best move at staying under everyone's radar, but honestly, I'm not afraid of Gyardicans."

"You're not?"

I shake my head,  "No, they haven't caught me yet. I have run so close to the lines many times, no one has ever suspected me. I want to live a life free to do as I like. Do you fear them?"

He tightens his lips in a line, "Not around you, but I guess yeah, If I ever got found out, I couldn't defend myself."

I chuckle, "The key for not being suspected is confidence. You gotta look them in the eye and smile, it's like acting.
They often don't even know what they're looking for, so if there's any tension between you, it'll be on your side."

Suddenly he hushes me and points with his chin behind my back, "Speaking of Gyardicans... I think this one wants to talk to you."

My cheeks immediately heated at the sight of Jefferson leaning against the wall of the school a couple hundred feet away from us.

"Well, I'd best be going, thanks for the homework help Miss Riel. See you tomorrow." Samuel grins begins to walk away.

"Bye Sam." I waved him off.

Then I glanced in Jefferson's direction, he's watching me. When our eyes met, a smile floated to his lips. I folded my arms and walk over to him. "Hey Captain, didn't expect to see you here. How are you?"

He had his hands hooked on his belt, "Hello Erika, I'm doing great, how about you?"

"I'm quite well thanks."

"Sorry, it's probably weird that I'm here, but I didn't want to just walk up to your house randomly, you know?"

I laughed, "It's not weird, I was just having a chat with a student of mine."

He nodded, looking back at the boy who was leaving the school grounds, "Nice kid?"

"Oh yes, he's very smart too. I really love teaching him."

"Nice, well you're not any sort of tight schedule are you? I didn't mean to bother you."

I shake my head quickly, "Oh no, I've got no plans today."

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