Chapter 5: New Recruits

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After the court was adjourned me and Armin went back to the stables to our horses that we used during the three years of training. Armin's horse was on the other side of the horse stables.

When I see my horse I rub up and down its muzzle and scratch underneath its chin. Since Armin couldn't hear me I begin to hum a tune then stop when I hear other people walking towards me and turn around to see who it is, my eyes go wide when I see commander Erwin and and that guy who smiled at me in the court room walking towards me.

"Hello cadet." Commander Erwin said. I carefully salute to him

"Hello sir." I reply back to him, him and his friend gave me a warm smile

"According to Eren you are a close friend of his are you not?" He ask. I hold in my laughter because of how official he made that sound.

"Yes sir." I answer

"Out of a--" he was about to say before Jean entered and cut him off

"Oh Ruby there you are I have to tell you something important!" Jean exclaimed before realizing who he just interrupted "Oh!" He said as he saluted "Excuse me sir but I have to tell something important." He tells them, while I'm still wondering what he needs to tell me

"Alright cadet." Commander Erwin says. Jean comes closer to me

"Ruby it's... it's about Marco." He finally gets out

"What about Marco? And speaking of which I haven't seen him since the 'HQ incident' earlier today?" I ask. Jean lowers his head then hit me, my hands drop to my sides as I come to the horrible realization. "No. He can't be." I whisper. Jean still heard me

"He is I'm sorry. I was the one to ID him." He admits. I look down at the ground.

"Will give you a moment." Said Commander Erwin's friend as they left to go talk to Armin. Once they leave me and Jean hug.

"I'm sorry Jean, I know how close you were to Marco too." I whisper to him. I feel something wet on my shoulder and realize that Jeans crying. "Jean He'll be alright he's in a better place now. Besides he would want us to carry on with our lives." I tell him, he nods

"Your right. He would." He agrees, he breaks the hug "You should probably finish talking to commander Erwin." He says smiling though tears still in his eyes

"Hey dry those tears. Marco would wanted you of all people to stay strong." I tell him. He dries his tears and walks away.

I walk over to Armin and notice that the other 2 are gone "Hey Armin so... what did they want?" I ask. Armin looks at me bright eyed with a warm smile

"Yeah they asked me to tell you that out of a request that Eren made you would be chosen to come along with him with the rest of the scouts." He answers, my eyes widen
"Wait. Eren chose me to go with him? Why not Mikasa or you?" I ask

"Well they said that he asked for one of his friends to come with him but... they said that he could only chose one that wasn't related or who grew up with him and the person had to be on of the three witnesses that came to court today which would be you, me, and Mikasa." He replied. I saw where he was going with this

"Oh I get it, but why couldn't they be related or have grown up with him?" I ask. Armin's smile fades as he looks at the ground

"They think since your not related or grew up with him that you won't hesitate as much to kill him if it comes to that." He admits still looking at the ground

"What do you mean I won't hesitate as much to kill him!? I trained with him for 3 years for god sakes!" I exclaim

"Yeah but they think that you won't really disobey orders, well they think because of your records." He replied, his face still grim

"Did they tell you to tell me this because I was talking to Jean?" I ask next, he nods

"Yeah, and... I'm sorry for your loss. I know how you were to Marco, heh, you two were like brother and sister." He adds, I look down at the ground and hug him

"Thanks Armin, your a good friend." I say as he hugs me back "Armin. If someone were going to kill you I would never let them do it. I stop them right in there tracks." I add. He smiles

"Heh thanks Ruby. Your a good friend too." He replies while smiling at me. I break the hug and smile warmly back at him.

"We should probably get back to taking care of the horses." I laugh, noticing how much time we wasted

"Heh yeah I guess your right." He laughs with me. "Oh yeah and also told me to tell you to meet Hanji and some others at the mess hall we were at today." He adds. I nod, after that we go back to our horses.


Yeah I know these chapters are short but I've been trying make them longer but.... There's not much I can really add to them if their pretty simple chapters like this one.

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