Welcome to world

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Jiyong got to hospital treatment because nobody is their to help him go to hospital so he decided to live their for a few weeks before the baby is born.After few days past Jiyong feel hurt and realize it is time so he called the doctor and nurses and labor a cute, lovely ,baby girl.

"So what is the name of the baby sir"the doctor asked"uhh um Choi Ji hyun" "okay" "can I held her?" The doctor nod and give the baby to Jiyong"anneyoeng~~~welcome to the world Ji  hyunie"Jiyong said to the baby.

After 2 years~~~
"Ji hyuniee are you ready" Jiyong asked his daughter"I'm coming oppa just a wait a minutwee pweasee" Ji hyun said.Jiyong sighs, because know they're going back to Korea only for months? maybe.Ji hyun came down in a black jeans with a white t-shirt with a black sweater and a pony tail on the side "Oppa I'm ready"
"Okay,let's get going"

The plane ride was long and Ji hyun feel sick because it's her first plane ride and Jiyong a little because it's been a long time since he ride a plane.

"Korwea!!!!" Ji hyun shouted and many people look at them and laugh and even Jiyong laugh beacuse of her cuteness "Hahaha~!!" "Yah oppa stwop laughwing at me" Ji hyun said reacted angrily but she's not really angry "okay I'll stop now,baby" Jiyong reply. Jiyong and Ji hyun is riding a taxi to go to see his brothers(I mean his band members).

Once Jiyong and Ji hyun finally paid the taxi driver and get to the dorm Jiyong ring a bell and heard a shouting people inside which made him chuckle.

"YAH SEUNGRIIAHHH OPEN THE DOOR!!!"Youngbae shouted and Seungri obeyed his hyung.Once Seungri open the door he shouted which causes the other members to run directly to him and once they finally know who is it they scream too.

"JIYONG HYUNG IS THAT YOU!!!"Seungri shouted and Jiyong laugh and hug the maknae and can hear the other members are running towards them "JIYONG SHII!!!" Youngbae shouted and jion the hug and "JIYONG HYUNGGG!!!"Daesung scream and jion the group hug and Jiyongsaid "can you please stop shouting because my eardrums are gonna break"Jiyong said sarcastically "Is this our niece?"Daesung question pointing to Ji hyun on the side of Jiyong "Yes she is" Jiyong agree"aww she's so cute and beautiful like his father Seunghyun hyung"Sengri said and the three widen their eyes especially Jiyong "Hi oppa,bwut who is Seunghyun hyung,oppa"Jiyong widen his eyes more"No,I mean Seungri hyung,you look like me" Seungri said "ahhhh,Okay oppa where do we sweep(sleep) because I am sweepy(sleepy)" Ji hyun said while yawning "Okay let's get in and sleep to our room" Jiyong said and followingbher daughter to the room and letting him sleep.

Once Ji hyun was sleep,Jiyong go down to the stairs and sees the other members in the living room."Seungri don't mention Seunghyun when Ji hyun is around,okay?" Ji yong said to seungri and nod and say sorry to Ji yong but question him "but hyung when are you going to say to Ji hyun if maybe the time comes you and Seunghyun hyung see each other especially with Ji hyun?"Ji yong where speechless and Youngbae said "Seungriahh give Jiyong time to think" "You two are right but I till you my answer,when the right time come's" Jiyong said to the two and daupesung ask him "hyung sorry to say tis but when is the right time hyung?when Ji hyun is old?"

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