Thinking of You

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Chapter 4: Thinking of you


I woke up the next morning tired and wanting to sleep again, like always. Then I reminded myself that tonight I would see her.

I get dressed and walk towards the kitchen for breakfast. Mom always cooks something delicious for breakfast, and right now I'm so hungry I could eat 3 pigs.

I sit down at the table, waiting for mom to give me food, and Kevin says, "We're on our own this morning. Mom's not happy."

"Why wouldn't mom be happy?" I asked. She was always trying to be happy around us.

"I told her about how late you had your little friend over," Kevin taunted and laughed.

"Why would you tell her!" I proclaimed. God what an idiot.

"Cause I knew she'd be mad at you," he walked away as he said this, back to his room.

Great now mom was mad at me. I got out of the chair and opened the fridge. Nothing was there unless I would make something, which I didn't have time for I needed to get to the bus.

I looked in the pantry and saw a doughnut and grabbed it, surprised Kevin hadn't eaten it. I went towards the front door and yelled, "Bye I'm going to school."

I didn't exactly want to run into mom this morning, knowing she was mad at me and all. I walked out the door slamming it behind me. Not bothering to lock it because mom always did that for me.

I walked down the street eating my doughnut contemplating if she was even going to show up tonight. I doubt it. I bet she was scared last night when I tried to kiss her.

She didn't seem scared; she seemed to want to kiss me back. I need to see her tonight to find out.

I get to the bus stop and wait with the rest of the freezing people. Why didn't I get a jacket? Oh yeah because Whitney took my favorite hoodie. I totally forgot to ask for it back well at least she'll remember me.

"Nate why the heck don't you have a jacket?" I turned around as Zach yelled the words from down the street.

"Kind of gave it away for the day," I yelled back. He started running up the street as the bus turned the corner. He got there just in time as the bus stopped in front of us.

We got on and went to the back to find an open seat. We found one and sat down.

"So you gave away your favorite hoodie?" Zach asked.

"Yeah I might get it back tonight I just forgot to get it back," I answered.

"What's her name?"

"What are you talking about?" How would he know I was with a girl last night?

"Obviously you gave a girl your jacket because she was cold. Because last night could have frozen Satan's butt, so what's her name?"

I laughed before I answered, "Her name's Whitney." I smiled at the thought of seeing her tonight.

"Ohhh, pretty," he laughed.

"Shut-up Zach, you haven't even met her."

"But I will young one I will."

We rode the rest of the way in silence. I wasn't really mad at him and he knew it. We never got mad at each other. It was our unbroken rule.

We got to school and got off the bus. School isn't the most exciting thing. But I plan on getting a decent job out of college.

So I actually try to get good grades. I don't know how I'm paying for college but it'll work out somehow.

Zach doesn't actually try because he assumes he knows everything. He doesn't fail classes but he scrapes by with C's that's not failing so....

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