"You couldn't hear that I was completely falling apart without you?"
-Caroline Forbes2.
"We're here." I whisper. The camp was right in front of us, it looked like nothing changed but I knew better than that. I don't hear any noise which signals a red flag in my mind, is there anyone here?
I turn to Mikel, "You don't need to come in with me." I don't know if he knew any of the grounders we had killed but either way I didn't want him seeing it. Plus it's a far walk back to his village, he probably should get a head start.
"I will come, it might not be safe." I smile at him for being protective. I nod my head and push open the entrance, or what's left of it. I almost throw up once we enter, the smell of burnt flesh still lingers. There's charred remains of bodies everywhere, all that's left are bones. I ignore it and walk straight towards the dropship. Before I get there I turn to my right where Bellamy had been the last time I saw him. I see bones on the ground and a tear falls down my cheek. It might not be him. My mind tells me. I look away and turn to Mikel, he nods towards the dropship and I walk up with him. I enter first.
I'm met with a raven and Murphy pointing their guns at me.
"Whoa! Whoa!" I yell and hold my hands up. Once they see it's me they point there guns to Mikel.
"No, don't shoot. He's my friend." I tell them. They lower their guns once again and Raven groans. I rush to her side and check her back, the bullet is in her spine now.
"Raven, where is everyone?" I question her and look to Murphy for answers as well. I should kill him now but he looks beaten up already, killing him would put him out of his stupid misery.
"We don't know. They all got out of the ship a few hours after they blasted and they never came back in." She explains to me.
"I got here an hour ago, there was no one here when I arrived either." Murphy explains to me.
"Taylor, I have to go. Whether you stay or come with me it's up to you but I must return to my village." Mikel tells me and I nod and stand up.
"I have to stay, I need to help her." He nods and starts to walk out of the ship.
"Mikel." He turns around and I walk up and hug him, "Thank you, may we meet again."
"May we meet again." He lifts up the tarp and leaves. I go back to Raven.
"Can you feel this?" I ask as I press on different parts of her legs. She shakes her head.
"She's going to die, isn't she?" Murphy questions and I scoff.
"If you don't shut up you will. You're lucky I haven't killed you already." I say as I help Raven get more comfortable.
"Yeah, whatever." He sighs and I roll my eyes.
"You need to eat," I grab some nuts and berries from my bag that Eika had given me. She filled it with some food and a water canteen. I also got my sword back, I didn't even know Mikel had brought it when he took me to his village. He gave it to me this morning and he had even sharpened it for me. I wonder if he knew I took it off a grounder.
"Did Finn or Bellamy..." She starts to ask but her voice fades.
"No, or...I don't think so." I whisper, Liza gave me hope. She looks as if she's about to cry as well but she clears her throat.
"So we're left with you... great." Murphy mutters under his breath and I send him a glare.
"Murphy I swear-" I start to speak but I hear twigs snapping outside. I look to Murphy and Raven and tell them to be quite. I grab my sword and stand up, I hear footsteps and I know there's more than one coming up the ramp. All of a sudden the tarp is pulled open and I see Abby Griffin. My eyes widen and I lower my sword.

Castle | b. blake | 2
Fanfiction"Every Queen needs her castle." "I thought every Queen needs her King." "That's debatable." Sequel to Queen.