Percabeth in Goode High School

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Hi! This is my fan fiction of Percy, Nico, Thalia and Jason being rock stars and they have a band called Connect 4..... Meanwhile the
Connect 4's trip around the world was cancelled and Percy meets Thalia's god sister .... Annabeth Chase.....and falls for her hopelessly,
but 'she' comes to there school! My first time to do this so do not judge me

- percabeth_4_ever

Percy's POV

Today my cousins and I , Connect 4, is in Manhattan, NY. Jason, Thalia my cousin's brother, was on the basement playing the

keyboard that he is so obsessed with. Nico, my other cousin, was playing his favorite video game of his called Mythomagic. Thalia I

don't know where she is , but I know she must be on her phone. While, I am playing with my favorite guitar,Riptide, when all of a

sudden someone knocked on the door. I yelled, " Jason, Nico or whoever open the door."

"No, you do it Percy your the nearest one!" yelled Nico and Jason.

"No, I am writing a new song, idiots!"

"I'll do it," yelled Thalia. Who came out of the kitchen. She opened the door and seemed so surprised. "Dad, uncle Poseidon , uncle

Hades? What are you doing in our house?"

Nico heard, so did I stopped what we were doing , and Nico came to the living room. My dad, Poseidon , was wearing a sea green

suit, uncle Zues had an electricity blue one, and uncle Hades has black suit. Everybody had a shocked face because when we have a

family meeting it is very very bad.

"Someone get Jason out here, Percy?"asked uncle Zues.

" Jason get your as- butt out here!" I said and Jason ran out of the basement running to the living room.

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