The Ocean of Grass

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Stepping out of the tiny little boat was more difficult than expected. Especially when you are stepping out onto a muddy bank. However we managed though my boots are more ruined than before. Kaiya pushed her small boat back into the middle of the creek and raised a hand in farewell.
"Take care walking through the grass sea" said Kaiya. "You shall not find people for a great while. And never leave the creek!"

"We won't" I too raised my hand in farewell.

"I hope you find your friend. Though I doubt he lingered in the grass sea" she wasted no time in turning her boat around and returning to her far away swamp full of woodsmen. Freed and I stayed on the bank until her gray form dwindled out of sight. Only then did we turn and face the grass plains before us. Gold it was called like the setting sun, yet to me it is a pallet of all warm colours in the world. Burnt red the earth is where you could see it. And waist high shoots of grass boasted colours of pale yellow to rich wheat gold. The grass stretched as far as the eye could see.

"I don't see much evidence of wild life. I think finding things to eat will be...challenging" Freed checked the creek's bank for signs of tracks. We didn't take much food from the village. And that might prove to be our mistake if this grass plain is truly an ocean.


We followed the creek as instructed but it isn't the way I want to go. The creek was barely two meters wide and varied in depth as we walked, yet it did not show signs of drying up to my relief. And yet the fresh green water wasn't all good. East we wanted and yet north it wandered but I was not going to leave the creek. I do not trust the grass sea, not the way it whispers as the wind blows away. Not the way the grass clicks in strange ways when you pass by it by bug or whatever lies beneath the shoots. And certainly not the quietness, the absolute lacking of life except for our blundering and brash seeming movements. The dry banks crumbled under our feet and I peered into the green water next to us. Small bodies darted under the water, dabbing at the old things at the bottom of the creek. Well at least there is fish no matter how small...I shuffled my pack on my shoulder and frowned at the lightness. I remember the small pack Elfman carried out of the east gate too. It is small for someone so big. It makes me wonder if he truly had so few possessions. I bit my lip and watch the fish dart around the green water as Freed glided in front of me. I bet he came better prepared than this... Grey eyes flashed behind my closed lids and yet again I can see that strange look he gave me. So strange and yet so puzzling it haunts me to this day with such clarity I could see him in front of me. Over a year and I still can't understand that look. I opened them again and studied the green water, wanting to see anything other than gray. And yet I spy something else...

A tall dark shadow stretched across the water towards us, a tall dark shadow with strangely long arms and a long head cocked to the side. I could almost feel my bones seize up and I froze in place to stare at the rippling shadow. I almost dared to hope. To hope that we found him and that we no longer had to go east. To see if his eyes are no longer gray. But then the shadow began to slink away from the water and I wasn't quick enough to catch anything besides the rustling of the tall grass and a dark almost coal black hand slip away between the reeds. "No!..." I cried out but my voice faded and I stared across the green waters to the silent and golden grass that were still and silent.

"Ever?" Freed's voice was soft as ever and he stopped walking to look at me. "What is it?"

"Didn't you see him?!" I shook as I pointed across the creek. Is he still there?

"See who Ever?" Freed took my hand and pulled it down. "There was no one there".

"But there was a shadow" I gestured vaguely at the green creek. "Right there, long and black".

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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