My second tag

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I got tagged by _GirlOfManyFandoms_ too so here it is...
1. Fave colour
Emerald green and purple
2. Am I crushing on anyone?
Yeah Jupiter (code name) 😍
3. Do I have any enemies?
Hah yeah fu @literallyerin :P bitch
4. Do I have a pet?
Yeah a cat a bird and a guinea pig. Our fish got blended. :/ pm me if u wanna hear the story
5. Celeb crush?
David Duchovny 😍 😍 💜
6. What book on wattpad would I like to become more popular?
My Comics by @janeconquestbackup
Check it out it's pretty good ^^
7. What social media stuff do I have?
Facebook insta sc kik all that jazz
I'm usually mimminymay if you wanna follow me :)
8. My wattpad besties?
_GirlOfManyFandoms_ for sure and LunaMaize I'm pretty sure. Oh and thvmiis =^.^=
9. My fave song rn...
Argh all of Macklemore and watermelon by Tom rosenthal.
Cows with guns by Dana Lyons is awesome too ^^
10. One random fact: beer comes from wheat or barley or something, wine from grapes (as if anyone doesn't know that) vodka from potatoes and tequila from cacti (cactuses).
WARNING: vodka is called firewater for a reason •-•
And I've already tagged 15 people so I'm not going to again cos I'll probably just tag the SAME people and piss them off. So ha ha tikki ;) emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover emerald-lover

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