Chapter 2: The Coronation

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In a famous realm of that time, in a vast hall in that kingdom, held a ceremony, a very important ceremony. At the end of the hallway, in the stupendous ballroom, at least twenty feet in height, were attractive decorations with luxurious furnishing, proudly shining its glory to its fullest. The ornamentation itself spoke of the importance of today's ritual, a solemn ceremony with a significant outcome. High ranks noblemen and noblewomen stood, discussing about the main subject of that day. Their lavish attires and dresses filled the hall with their presences, all of them hoping to catch the eye of the member of the royal households. As aristocrats from all parts of the kingdom, it was a rare occurrence for them to be invited to the palace. Even among those in authorities, every candidates' background was checked thoroughly before the guests were selected. They had every intention to convey the best impression out of this privilege opportunity. At present, they waited eagerly to serve their purpose of attendance.

The guests quietened down as the music stopped. They could feel the atmosphere changing. At the top of the grand staircase, carpeted with a red velvet, stood a couple linked arm in arm. From their ceremonial attires to the way they held themselves, it was clear that they were royals born of high prestige. With the young man in tuxedo and the young lady in long full gown, they wore neither too lavish nor too simple. They had an air around them that captured everyone in the hall at first glance.

The gentleman and the lady descended the stairway. For a moment, the audiences thought the couple had stepped out of a masterpiece painting and were enchanted at the grace they upheld. They were knocked out of their daze as the couple reached the last step. The people bowed and curtsied. "Prince Ashley. Princess Laura." They smiled and nodded at them in acknowledgment.

Then came the sound of the trumpet, announcing the presence of the head of state. The place where the couple previously stood was now occupied by two men. Every person in the hall bowed their head in respect the moment they saw the men, with the men bending their bodies and the woman dropping into curtsy. The two men were the King and the Crown Prince.

The first man, wearing a bright cloak, stood high and tall with pride and confident. The majestic man with power was their sovereign. The second man stood a little behind the King. Wearing the same cloth symbolized his importance in today's ritual, both as the son of a king and the successor to the throne. While he might not be as powerful as his father, he had an air about him that influence those in his command.

"Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the Castle of Lanymph!" said the King in his deep, resounding voice, echoing through the large hall. "Allow me, as your king, to express my appreciation for your attendance! Your purpose of presence here shall be granted!"

So far, everything was going to the proposal. As the second-to-throne, Prince Ashley was chosen as Princess Laura's partner in descending down the stairway. As direct relation to the king and his son, they were the perfect candidates to appear foremost. It is now left with the main event to reveal the purpose of the two men wearing the same attires, and as to why they continued to stand at the top instead of descending down the stairs. The event of a monarch crowning a new sovereign, Prince Laurence, Princess Laura's twin, Prince Ashley's cousin. The coronation.


"Princess Laura, at the state you are in, I won't be surprise if you start jumping and spoil your elegant image." Lysander whispered in the princess's ear. Everyone was in high spirits and that was probably why he teased her. He did not usually begin a conversation after all. However, it was his mistake today.

As royals whose actions were judged at the slightest wrong, Laura had mastered the art of performing an action imperceptibly. Finding an opportunity, she purposefully stepped down his boot hard with her heel. Feeling his foot under it, she smirked. "Ouch!" he cried, nearly holding his boots in his hands.

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