Chapter one - Its technically not school, its prison.

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Ariels PoV

"GET UP! GET UP! GET UP!" Screamed Aurora. "I SWEAR TO GOD! IF YOU DON'T GET UP IM DRINKING THE WHOLE POT OF COFFEE AND IM GOING TO FOLLOW YOU ALL DAY!"  Oh please no.... Last time Aurora did that, it wasn't good trust me. Aurora and coffee don't mix. And when I say don't mix, I mean, don't mix.

I got up from my beautiful and comfortable bed. Scared that Aurora will actually drink coffee. I went to my closet and got dressed. (Outfit on top!)

Sadly, today is the first day of school. sophomore year. Well, it's technically not school, it's prison.

I went towards to the kitchen. Aurora was siting on a stool eating pancakes. "Look who's here! Sleeping beauty!" Aurora said. "Well... Sleeping beauty's real name is Aurora, so go suck it!" I yelled. She glared at me. I went to the refrigerator and got out some milk. Than I took out a bowl and some cereal.

"Where's mom?" I asked. "She's on a Business trip." Oh.

Mom works with the professionals. I'm not sure what she does though. Whenever I ask, she gets annoyed so me and Aurora just don't question it.

After eating, Aurora and I grabbed our bags walked to prison. Prison wasnt that far away from our house. I never liked having the prison so close to our house. Why? Because than I wouldn't have an excuse for being late.

"Hey Ariel?" Aurora asked me. "Did you by any chance, talked to Ethan?" She blushed.  "Um last time I tried to talk to him I received some nasty looks from a certain someone." I said smirking at her. She turned a deeper red. "Sorry! I never actually liked someone like that! And you known about how cute he is and how beau-"

"Oh no no no!" I said. "You can't get me into him! If you keep complimenting him and saying how perfect he is, I might go head over heels in love with him. You can't have that now can we?" I smirked again. What a good save, Ariel! "True.... Hey look there's Daniel!"

Me and Aurora ran to Daniel. He was checking out some other guy. Oh? Did I not mention he's gay? Well he is! And that doesn't matter. He's happy so I'm happy. (No pun attended.)

Me and Aurora quickly put down our bags next to some guys by a tree. We both smirked. We stealthy made our away to him.   And I couldn't say it wasn't perfect. Once I tickled him, he giggled and fell forward but managed to lead on his feet. How? I have no clue. But after his little giggle fest he started to walk closer to me. Once close to me, he hugged me. More like strangled me. Before I can reacted he picked me up and put me over his shoulder. "No! Put me down!" I screamed, I started to kick him. "Aye! Don't kick, Buttercup!" Daniel said. "Why? And Dani, last time I checked my name is Ariel. Some best friend you are!" I smirked. "Why buttercup, you got more feisty it seems. And of corse I know my one of two of my best friends name! It's Ariel!" He said.

"Hey where did Aurora go?" Daniel asked. Holy mother trucker. Where did Aurora go?

Daniel quickly put me down. I headed towards Aurora and I's bag. I put both of them on my shoulders and I ran towards the front doors. Thank god we still had another fifteen minutes till we are supposed to be in class.

First, I went to her locker. Not there.

Second, I went to both of our homeroom. Not there.

Then, I went behind the prison. Once again NOT THERE. I'm getting worried.

Lastly, I went to the bleachers by the football field. Please be here! I went behind the bleachers to see not only Aurora but Ethan and the school slut, Annie.


Auroras PoV

Ariel and I sneaked our way towards Daniel. As you can see, every first day of school, for the last 6 years, me and Ariel find a new way to torture our little Buddy, Daniel. I mean its his fault he has us as friends! 

When we were almost about to get him, I got this weird feeling in my stomach. And I also saw Ethan and the school slut holding hands heading towards the back of the school. I was beyond furious, furious was in understatement. I followed Ethan. But I made sure that he didn't see me. The feeling in my stomach soon went away. But came back, my neck burning and the pain doubled. It legit made my neck feel like it was on fire.

I followed them, forgetting about the pain. I loved Ethan. I thought he actually cared. I thought wrong apparently. I watched them, and the pain doubled again.  I felt Ariel come up behind me. I saw her in shock then shock became anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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