Chapter 3

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YourPalRoss (Ross)  POV

We all got up from the patch of flowers magically unharmed.
"Oh my God! " , Red yelled. "We're not Minecraftians anymore! " We looked at one another as our blocky figures turned into human ones.

"Ross,  you're not a squirrel anymore! " Shelby called out. "He looks like a person in a squirrel costume. "

"You're right! " Jess said. "And Barney's in a costume too but other than that, we all look like our MineCraft skins. Expect for the fact that we have on these blue striped shirts."
"why are we so little? " Adam screeched.
Tim gasped.  "We must be children!"

"WHAT JUST HAPPENED?!?!?" questioned Max. Everyone went into a frenzy. "Hey look! "I called.  "There's a path leading that way! "

"ADVENTURE!!! " Shelby yelled. She was so weird but,  then again,  I am too. I guess it makes sense since we're cousins after all.

We walked up to a yellow,  smiling flower that was in the middle of the path. "Howdy!" It remarked.  Adam flipped out. "Ah Ma God! It talks!"

"I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower! "
"That's super original" I said rolling my eyes. The other giggled behind me.
Flowey continued. "Hmmm. You're all new to the underground,  arentcha? Golly, you guys must be so confused. Someone oughta teach you how things work around here. I guess little old me will have to do".

"AHH! " We all screamed. "What is that? " I said,  pointing at the red hearts that had appeared on our chests. "See that? That's your SOUL,  the very clumanation of your being. Your souls will start off weak but they can grow strong if you gain lots of LV. What does LV stand for? Why LOVE of course!  You want some LOVE don't you? Move around! Collect as many as you can! " Flowey said as he winked.

Pellets came out of nowhere.

He fired them at us.

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