Čhapter 3

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(Christian's different forms)

(Christian's different forms)

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(Few hours later)
Riley POV

"But you said he used magic" Christian said as he followed me as I walked from the bathroom to his room getting ready to take a shower "yeah he did maybe he is a hybrid or something" I said as I put my phone on the bathroom counter and was about to close the door but Christian stop me "are you serious not going to let me take a shower by myself" I said annoyed "last time I let my guard down you sneaked away from me" he said "well you saw what I went through" I said more annoyed "and you saw what I went through" he growled as his eyes glowed a icy blue color then it was slient "I'm sorry about your mom" I said "and I'm sorry for acting like a dick" he said more calm I then tried to shut the door again but it didn't work "I'll let you change alone but when your in there I'm coming in" he said "whatever" I said finally agreeing with him.

(Few minutes later)

"And why can't I go with Ethan and Brie when they left?" I asked "because I'm watching you" he said smirking "that is no where near funny" I said sitting on the couch with him then Kian walked in "so you are going to be all lovey dovey now?" he asked "what no we just came to a agreement to take it slow" I said "yeah take it slow better hope his wolf take it slow on the full moon" Kian said teasing Christian before Christian threw a pillow at him "what do he mean about the full moon?" I asked "in a full moon my wolf Sparta is in control and this being the first full moon after we found out mate he's going to want to mark you and I'm going to be in rut mean I'm going to want you more than ever but that's not going to happen because I know you are not ready for that or to be the Luna so you I'm going to stay away from you on the full moon" he said holding my hand "oh" I said "yeah" he said "wait if all you have to do is mark me to finally be Alpha don't that mean you eye should red?" I asked "no they'll be red on the full moon as yours will be light blue but after we mark we'll be able to summon that power and eye color whenever we need to" he said "oh" I said "well you are asking alot of questions today" he said "just getting to know my mate" I said then he smile and I smiled.

(Few hours later)
"Can we go now?" I asked as Christian just sat there "fine if you don't get up I'll just go on my own" I said walking to the door when I felt a presence behind me and I heard the familiar growl of Christian ,I turned around and saw his eyes glowing icy blue"didn't I just say you can't go without me" he said looking down at me "well your here now" I said before I teleported us "see if I wanted to leave I would have" I said walking up to my room then I started to pack up my clothes and stuff I want to bring with me "so this is your room?" Christian said as he walked in "that doesn't sound like a I'm sorry" I said as I walked into my closet "okay I'm sorry" he said then I saw him pick up one of my spell books "Telekinesis" he said reading the title before I lifted it out of his hands "so that how you move things" he said "yeah obviously" I said putting it in my bag then walking back over to him and grabbing the other ones "what else can you do?" he asked.

"Ergokinesis the ability to manipulate enegry and absorb it" I said as I put that book into my bag "Mental Manipulation the ability to get in someone's head and the regular magic spell book" I said holding the two books up then putting them in the back "okay now it's my turn to ask the questions" I said "okay shoot" he said "how come you can turn into that big artic beast but no one else did?" I asked "because  the Beast Form is something only a Alpha or someone in a Alpha's bloodline can do and it's artic because my power is Cryokinesis" he said "what your favorite color?" he asked "really" I said but he looked dead serious "fine pink and maroon" I said "your?" "blue and white" he said "favorite snack?" he said as I picked up a shirt "ice cream,popsicles,basically cold sweet things" I said looking at my shirt "let's go I have to visit my brothers and tell them what going on and why they won't see me for a while" I said "wait who was the woman in your past?" Christian asked carrying the heavy bags for me "that my aunt Ericka she a kitsune like my mom and she is watching my brothers" I said before I teleported the bags back to the pack house "so you ready to go? And meet the last of my family" I asked "yeah let's do it" he said grabbing my hand I then teleport us away.

"Wait I have one more I have one more questions" I said stopping us before we walked to the door and Christian turned to me and looked me in the eyes "what will happen to me on the full moon?" I asked "nothing since your not a wolf but after I mark you will go through a week of heat once a month and heat is like my rut you have a desire but it's a desire for me to be inside you" he said smirking then I punched him in the arm "how will I know when it's coming?" I asked "you'll have a period the week before" he said "but I'm not a girl" I said as we started walking again "it's still gonna happen" he said then we heard a crash from the house and we ran in.


Riley and Christian ran into the house where they saw Riley's Aunt Ericka being attack by a oni Riley kick it off her before stabbing it with his sword as it turned into dusk "what was that?" Christian said "a oni" Riley said as he helped his aunt up "where is Blake and Connor?" Riley asked nervously "in the backyard I'm fine go help them" Ericka said as Christian ran through the back door and saw the two boys from Riley's past surrounded by Oni, he roared as he shifted into his Wild Mode getting the oni's attention as they walked toward him one swung it's sword at him but he summoned a shield blocking it and he ducked as another came at him then he kick the last one as he made a sword out of ice and he started to defend his self but one got him off guard but Riley jumped in saving him as he blocked it then stabbed it as Christian ripped the other one head off and freezes the other one,Riley ran to his two brothers to see if they were okay "you guys okay" he asked "yeah thinks to you and him" Connor said before Blake ran up and hugged his brother "you came back" he said "yeah Blake and Connor I'm be away for awhile but I closer now" I said as both of them nodded their heads knowing what I mean"and this is my mate Christian" I said introducing them to Christian "thanks for saving us even though we could take them" Connor said then Riley heard movement behind them and saw the Oni  coming at them "Witch Storm" Riley said to Connor as he formed a aura and Connor striked it with lighting before Riley shot the Oni with the magic and lightning combo "nice one" Ericka said as she stepped out of the house "Ericka I have to tal-""I heard everything you said and I understand you have a mate it's your job to stay be his side" she said interrupting Riley "thank you" Riley said before hugging her
(Few hours later )

"and when you kill that bastard do it for your parents" she said "I will" Riley said as him and Christian left the house "you family seem nice" Christian said "they are" Riley said "hey thanks for jumping in to save my brothers" he said standing in front of the taller wolf "there your family meaning their my family now" Christian said before Riley hugged him as he closed his eyes and when they broke apart their faces was only a few inch apart as Christian started to lean down as Riley leaned in before they heard a cough and turned to see Kian and Ethan "hey where's Brie?" Riley said "I think she went to the bathroom" Kian said before they all heard a scream but not just any scream but Brie's all of them ran out of the house to the sound and saw Brie and a body in a magic circle that look to have been attacked by a wolf "Brie how did yo-""I don't know I just got up and started walking and ended up here" she said "Riley look at the marks on the ground this wasn't just some rogue attack" Christian said grabbing Riley's hand "it was him" Riley said.
The End

And that's how that chapter ends next chapter coming soon so goodbye for now😚😘😘

(Picture of Blake and Connor Riley's brothers)

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