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I might have gone to hard Ella.I was pretty mad at her.One thing you need to know about me is I hate being lied to.It looses a lot of my trust so when Ella lies to me I get more mad at her then anyone else.A relationship is suppose to be built of trust and if I can't trust her then our relationship falls apart and I don't want that.Anyway I woke up pretty early for some reason so I went downstairs and her dad was there.
"good morning sir"I said
"son what have I told you about calling me sir.it makes me feel old"he said and I chuckled
"sorry"I grabbed a cup of coffee
"how's my little girl"he asked
"um she's sleeping"I said
"you know what I mean"he said
"yeah I know.i think I went way to hard on her.no I know i went to hard on her.i shouldn't have spanked her that much."I confessed
"Dayton I trust you with my daughter so I know whatever you did you didn't do it on purpose"he said
"thanks but I also wanted to talk to you about her.you know whatever she does she gets punished by me do you think it's fair to have you guys also punish her?"I asked
"we are her parents.its our job to discipline our children.i know it seems hard at first but I have let her go 16 years without being punished by me.i can't let her think I'll do that to her but that is why I only do small punishments because I know you will put her in line.plus I couldn't see my little girl in pain"he said
"it's not easy for me either"I said
"I know but you have been doing it longer and I think you are still closer with her then me."he said
"oh so about grounding her on not going to the dance.i was wondering if there would be any chance she could still go with me"I asked
"you asking me if I could drop that part of her punishment and let her go to the dance"he asked
"yes"I said
"fine but she doesn't get to know until the day of the dance"he said
"thank you."I said
"welcome"he said
"oh and I know this might be weird but if she gets in trouble at home and I'm not there will you tell me if you punished her and what it is so we don't have what happened last night again"I said
"yeah I'll send emojis"he said
"please don't"I said
"#duckface"he said
"please stop"I laughed
"but first let me take a selfie"he said
"ok I'm walking away"I walked away
"#whitegirl"he yelled and I just laughed
I went back upstairs and Ella was still peacefully sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up but we needed to go to school so I had to wake her up.
"Ella time to wake up"I shook her a little bit
"mm go away"she pushed me
"come on baby we need to get up"I kissed her cheek
"no"she covered herself with the blankets
"yes"I started kissing her all over her face
"stop"she groaned
"will you get up"I asked
"fine"she moaned and sat up but she winced
"you ok"I saddened
"yeah it just hurts"she said
"I'm sorry I went way over board I shouldn't have spanked you that hard.there is no excuse for it so I'm sorry"I said
"hey stop it.i deserved it.i shouldn't have lied and snuck out."she hugged me
"still it was a lot is spanks"I said
"yeah it just means you can't spank me next time I'm bad"she smiled
"nice try"I kissed her
"it was worth a shot"she said
"I promise I won't do it again."I said
"I trust you"she said
"I love you"I kissed her
"I love you to"she kissed back
"you two better be up.mom has breakfast"her dad said through the door
"we are up"Ella said and we got up and started getting ready for school
"morning daddy"Ella pecked her dads cheek
"morning princess"he smiled
"morning mom"Ella hugged her mom
"morning.heres breakfast you guys need to hurry."her mom said and we quickly ate before heading off to school
"bye"we yelled and went to my car
"is my pillow still in your car"Ella asked
"yes"I handed her pillow which was heart shaped
"thank you"she sat on it as we drove to school
"alright let's go"we got to school
"I hate this place"she held my hand
"behave and it'll be fine"I said
"easy for you"she sighed
"I know you can be good."I said
"it's so hard though"she pouted
"no it's not"I laughed
"yes it is"she kept pouting
"stop pouting"I pecked her pouty lips
"fine"she smiled
The school day went by so did soccer practice.the next couple of days went by smoothly.Ella on the other hand seemed really depressed and sad.i didn't understand.i thought maybe it was her time of month but she always has a meltdown over the littlest thing and she hadn't had one yet.i was worried for her.
"babe what's wrong you've been really sad lately"I said and we laid on her bed
"it's nothing"she said
"Ella"I said
"I'm fine Dayton"she said
"I know your not fine"I said
"don't worry"she said
"I'm already worried.talk to me Ella"I said
"you really want to know"she asked
"yes"I said
"I really want to go to the dance but dads not budging on my punishment.i even found the cutest dress when I went out with girls.i love homecoming and I know I deserve my punishment but I really want to go"she cried
"oh baby"I wrapped my arms around her
"I'm so stupid.why can't I just behave"she cried
"your not stupid we all make mistakes in life.i know you really want to go but hopefully this will teach you a lesson and you won't ever do it again.plus I'll be here so we can make our own homecoming"I held her and kissed the top of her head
"no Dayton go to the dance.just because I can't doesn't mean you don't have to go.go have fun."she said
"I won't have a date and I don't want other girls grinding on me.only you get to do that"I said
"but you should be out having fun.this is my punishment not yours"she said
"I wouldn't have fun there.ill just come here and we will have a better night then the others"I said
"really?you don't want to go?"she looked me in the eye
"yes I don't want to go without you"I said
"I just feel bad"she said
"don't you are all the fun I need"I smiled
"thanks"she smiled back
"welcome plus maybe we can dance in the living room"I said
"so romantic"she laughed
"it could be"I said
"maybe"she said
"don't be to disappointed Ella we have one more ear plus I hear we have a bad dj"I said
"I still want to go"she said
"I know"I sighed
We chilled for the rest of the evening but then I had to go home and figure out how I'm going to ask her.i had a lot of ideas but one kept coming to me so I was going to do that.i just needed the guys help.
"I'm surprised her dad changed his mind"Spencer said
"I'm not Ella is his weakness.he'll do anything for his little girl"I said
"true my dad will do anything for Marina.he can't even ground her for that long or he feels extremely bad.its stupid"Michael said
"I will never understand the daddy daughter thing.what makes a girl more important then a boy"Ryan asked
"we'll understand when you have kids then we will look back and say we were stupid"Spencer said
"plus you have to think that Ella is the only child so she gets a lot of attention"I said
"true"they said
"ok you guys have the stuff ready"I asked
"yep go"Michael said
We were already at Ella's house she didn't know because she was in her room working on homework so it worked out.
"whatcha working on"I asked
"English"she said
"oh fun what do you have to do"I sat next to her
"write an essay.i am almost done"she said
"good job Ella"I smiled
"thanks did you need something"she asked
"no just checking on you."I said
"ok"she continued working
"I'm going to go get something to drink want anything"I asked
"just water"she said
"ok I'll be back"I said and went down and everything was finished so I texted her
Me-can you come in the backyard really quickly
Me-there's something really cool out here.dont want you to miss it
Ella-ok I'm coming
I ran outside and waited for her

dont want you to miss itElla-ok I'm comingI ran outside and waited for her

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(Ella instead of Kelsey and Dayton instead of David)

"Dee..."she didn't finish
"Will you go to homecoming with me"I asked
"what"she said
"will you be my date to homecoming"I asked again
"but...I thought"she was confused
"I am allowing you to go to homecoming with Dayton"her dad said
"really"she said
"yes"he smiled
"thank you so much daddy"she hugged him and came running towards me
"yes I'll go with you"she smiled
"good for a second I thought you were going to say no"I teased
"never"she said
"oh and this is for you"I have her a box
"thanks"she opened it
"oh my god"she smiled
"thank your friends they told me what dress you really wanted"I said
"Thank you thank you thank you"she smiled and hugged me
"your welcome"I smiled
"oh shit I need to get ready"she cursed
"hey language"I warned her
"sorry"she pecked my lip and ran off
"good job"her dad patted my shoulder
"thanks"I smiled
"you Dayt we gotta get ready"Michael yelled at me
"ok coming."I said goodbye
We went to Michaels house since the girls were getting ready at Ella's house.of course it didn't take us extremely long.we went back to Ella's house where the girls and the parents where.we rang the door bell and it opened and all the girls where dressed up but my eyes went directly to Ella who looked like a princess.she was gorgeous

"Hi"she smiled "you look so beautiful Ella"I smiled "thank you

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"Hi"she smiled
"you look so beautiful Ella"I smiled
"thank you.you look very handsome"she said
"you know I try"I smirked
"you don't have to try hard"she pecked my cheek
"you guys look so beautiful let's take pictures"the moms said and made us take hundreds of pictures
"you guys are cute"Ella's mom showed us some pictures of us

you look very handsome"she said "you know I try"I smirked "you don't have to try hard"she pecked my cheek "you guys look so beautiful let's take pictures"the moms said and made us take hundreds of pictures"you guys are cute"Ella's mom showed us so...

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(Suit is black and a tie that matches her dress)
"thank you"I said
"ok go have fun guys.keep my daughter safe"she said
"we will thanks mom"Ella smiled
We all got in the limousine and we were off to have a fun night.
"thank you"Ella smiled at me
"I love you Ella"I smiled and kissed her
I truly love this girl.she might be naughty sometimes but I still loved her like crazy.

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