Chapter One The Start

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           Everyone deep down thinks that the worse could happen to them. Little do they know it could be happening soon. It could happen to you, maybe even as you read this.

Scarlett thought it was just the wind. She carried on, walking along with the crackling leaves on the dry sidewalks. It was the leaves she was stepping on, she told herself. Scarlett couldn't shake off the feeling she was being watched. She knew deep down that something was wrong. Her mother always tells her that if she ever has the feeling of being watched, then run from the place she was in and find

 help. The thing is, in this case all Scarlett was doing was walking along Quimby Road to the town park. On top of all of that, it was one A.M. If Scarlett was to call out for help in the dawn of the morning she'd clearly be delusional. She'd especially be crazy because she wasn't in harm's way, and calling for help would be a waste of everyone's time, not to mention, Scarlett would be a fool. She knew her parents would be even angrier with her if she was driven home in a cop car, nonetheless her being out this late. Scarlett heard what she thought was the wind. She started to rush.

"I am being silly; I have watched too much Supernatural, if that is even possible." Scarlett said to herself.

If only she knew that if she had listened to her thoughts, she might have been saved. Too late for poor Scarlett now, she did not know what was lurking in the midnight hours. She could hear the leaves of the mid-October night slowly crunching behind her. She spun around yet nothing was there. A feeling had crawled into her gut and she tried to act calm. Then the sudden thought struck her. Scarlett Anderson was suddenly, for the first time in her life, in danger.

Scarlett hastened her pace. She starting to hear the footsteps behind her, Scarlett began quickening her pace almost to a run, the thing behind her picking up its pace just as well. Scarlett looked back but nobody was there. Every time she looked over her shoulder the footsteps stopped.

"I am being paranoid!" She told herself.

Scarlett wanted to shake the feeling but she could not. The sidewalk was covered in leaves and if anything an animal was following her. Maybe a hungry animal rustling in the bushes was the noise. After all, Scarlett couldn't see anyone behind her every time she looks. She felt a sudden jolt of adrenaline whizz through her icy body. Scarlett started to run for her life. Her destination is the park. She hoped that the usual pot smokers were there, ready to help her.
The footsteps seemed to stop. That did not halt Scarlett however; she did not want to be another white girl in those horror movies that let death approach. She ran for about a mile, taking unnecessary turns to lose whatever was there. She was trying to go to roads that had a ton of houses. She felt the urge to look behind her, thinking she had taken enough turns to lose what was there.  

"I've lost it, it is gone." She told herself.
She huffed and puffed. She was panting and needed to recover her breath so she started to walk. Scarlett was close to the park, but with all the extra roads and turns she took it was now almost two a.m.

"No turning back now, I want mom to pick me up. " She spoke to herself.

If only her parents had not taken away her phone so that she could call the cops. Her plan was to get to Woodlyn Park, and hopefully use someone's phone. For once Scarlett was glad the pot smokers would be there. Scarlett could not hear any more rustling of the leaves. So she walked to the park calmly, the feeling of being watched slowly drifting away.
Scarlett was forgetting about the person, if any, that was supposedly following her and thought about the reason why she had first gone to the park in the first place. Her and her parents were fighting with her again and she wanted to leave before anything bad could possibly happen. Well, if something worse could occur.

Scarlet thought about how when she was younger she could only go the park with a grown-up. Her mom would take her when she was not working; sometimes her dad would with the other kids. Scarlett's mother, Amanda Anderson, was an older lady who needed to work so that she could provide for her 4 children. Scarlett's father, Joey Anderson was her father but not her eldest brother. The whole reason Scarlett was on this walk was because her dad was giving her a hard time.

 She was in the car with her parents after they got Chinese food. Of course, her dad had drunk too much, like he always does when they go out. He could not handle himself but he constantly claims he can. Scarlett and her little sister, who is 10, were fighting for some stupid reason. Kristy had slapped Scarlett and Scarlett smacked her back on the leg, maybe a little harder. Scarlett's dad typically become an irate drunk, and usually took it out on Scarlett, because she allegedly "talked back." So she smacked her sister back and Kristy wailed and sobbed acting like she just got shot. Scarlett's dad, who was already prepared to pick a fight, screamed at Scarlett that she is older and that she should know better. When she tried to defend herself her dad looked back from the passenger seat and grabbed her arm and twisted her arm upside down, giving her arm a painful twist. She felt the Indian sunburn growing on her arm. She wailed out for her mom to have him stop, but like always, her mom thought it was always Scarlett's fault. She never really knew how much emotional damage he caused her.

"Mom why won't you help me, he is hurting me!" Scarlett wailed. Her little sister, Kristy all of the sudden stopped crying, because like she continuously does, she was fake crying. 

"Joey stop it!" Amanda yelled while the car swerved a slightly. She was driving so she could not look back and see the tears scattered all over Scarlett's face.

By this time Scarlett was screaming and trying to fight back, but he was too strong. She hated him. She hates her mom for not doing anything. She hates her sister for causing this. She wanted to kill herself right now. Whenever her family got like this she thought the pain would go away, but in reality everything and everyone would act like nothing happened. And maybe it was better like this, for no one to mention what happens. After all, her family does not talk, they only yell when a problem happens. Her father finally releases her arm but not after Scarlett punched his arm multiple times, almost certainly causing no harm. She howled and cried and Joey shouted at her to stop crying, that she was being dramatic. If only he had said that to Kristy and this entire thing would have never happened. But no, her dad always liked to cause trouble.

Scarlett was thinking about this when she saw the park mulch a head of her. She saw the red slide and iron blue swing set. On the metal, paint flaking bench lays litter that appears like it has been lying there for a while, freezing in the brittle October wind. She shivered in her heavy blue coat. She pulled her light red hat down to cover her ears. 

Suddenly footsteps approached her out of absolutely nowhere and she whirled around halfway but she was too late. Before she could possibly get a glimpse of who was stalking her she felt a gloved hand clasped tightly around her mouth. Another firm hand clamped around her waist and pulled her back. The person came from the behind and she could not see who was doing this to her. She kicked and punched and tried to twist her way out, but whoever was behind her was stronger, and was determined on not letting go. She fought with all her strength. Her lips were going numb and her liveliness was draining. She must be drugged. She figures all she can do is struggle till it lets go. She fixed her mouth onto its hand and a mainly voice called out in pain. It was a boy, actually probably a man. Scarlett hoped he would be alarmed and unfasten his grip. But this caused the opposite effect, making him livid. He did not loosen his clutch on her, instead he just pressed harsher onto her mouth. Scarlett's mouth was going numb and she could feel her legs becoming jelly. She struggled to get away, but she was only slowing down significantly. She wanted to scream, yell out help. All she wanted was to be set free. She could not fight back longer; her energy is shattered and drained. The world is going black. She cannot keep her eyelids open. A black bowl of darkness was taking over. The October wind blew and she closed her eyes, the last thing she could see was what appeared as the splitting of the moon.


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