Chapter 3 The Man in the Doorway

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Everyone in the dark room held their shaking breath as the doors knob jiggled open. A tall silhouette stood in the door way of the blinding light. The fluorescent beam was causing all the girls to flinch and turn away. They were not accustomed to anything but the dark room that they have been in for quite some time. The figure had a heavy jacket and shoes that made a clunk, probably steel toe shoes. Pants were pasted onto the figure and the man looking shape started to reach for something.  Before anything could happen Violett shrieked words that were barely audible.

"Please Mr don't hurt me! Please do not hurt any of us! I just want to go home!" Violett sobbed and Scarlett feared for their life as the masked man reached for something on the wall.

With a thunderous flicker in the deafening quiet room, bright luminous lights filled the dull room. The three girls had to take a while to adjust their eyes.

Scarlett blinked hard,  hoping that the momentary blindness wasn't going to be a huge disadvantage. Before the girls eyes could fully comprehend the room, a gravely voice spoke with such harshness that his voice was causing bolts of fear to run down everyone's spine.

"Don't scream. Don't call for help. Don't you dare even try to escape because this will not end well for any of you."

Aaliyah, Scarlett, and Violett all shuttered with fear as the mans voice continued, followed by the sound of a chair dragging along hard flooring. The girls eyes were finally adjusting and they could see they were in a room that resembled a basement. However, this room did not have the warm welcoming feeling. This room lingered of the scent of vomit and Scarlett could now see that her puke was only a few feet away from her spot against the cool cement walls. She could finally see what the girls looked like in the room next to her. Violett was very tan or Hispanic and had very bright green eyes that were shaking with fear.Her voice was rather high pitch and she had fear sweeping in her gaze. In contrast to Violett, Aaliyah had focus on her face. Focus and anger, much anger. Aaliyah was African American and had dark brown eyes that were similar to her dark, black looking hair. She had an oval face and probably was around twenty.  Scarlett looked down at herself. She gazed at her white skin and a few pieces of her blonde hair fell into her dark blue eyes. She blinked back tears that were swelling in her eyes. The man was speaking and Scarlett realized it was to her.


" name is Scarlett Anderson."


"I am seventeen."

"How do you feel?"

Scarlett was taken a back by the question.

"I feel sick and lightheaded."

"Good. Dinner will be ready for you guys in an hour. I expect all of you to stay in this room and I will let you be unlocked from those clunky chains."

Aaliyah's eyes lit up and Scarlett could tell she had a plan. But what every light was sparked in her eyes was quickly diminished when the man in all black said,
"However, since you can't be trusted I will have one of my guards in here with y'all. And if something happens to him," He started to lift his jacket to show a gun in his pocket. Violett let out a gasp and started to shake.
"I am always near by."

A man who was buffed started to make his way to the doorway and he was clearly not in a good mood. He was wearing a black ski mask and was mastering a straight face. He looked at his boss and nodded his head. The "boss" left and the man in the mask spoke only a few words while he got the keys to unreleased the girls from their chains.

"No screaming, no crying, no touching, don't try to escape, I have a gun and I will use it. I have the keys to unlock you girls and I expect all of you to behavior," he looked at his gun, "Or expect some trouble."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2017 ⏰

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