Chapter One

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[Cassidy Lynk]

I set the last notebook into the cart, looking up to my mom, smiling. I sighed in happiness.

Back to school shopping has always been my favorite thing. New notebooks, clothes, attitude. This year was going to be perfect!

I'm now a sophomore at East Lake High School. I wasn't there for my freshman year, as I was homeschooled from my father. My best friend Julie and I are both attending this school.

Julie and I have been friends since we were in middle school. I'm more of a people person. Or a social butterfly. Call it what you want. But I do have my self consciousness lurking.

Julie is more of a quiet girl. She's getting better with people but she shuts everyone out but me and her older brother Jordan.

We have one special place together. There's an abandoned house about a mile away from my house. We've gone there together since we discovered it and made it ours about 3 years ago.

It's our safety place and nobody knows except us, Jordan, and my mom. And it has to stay that way.

My mom pushed my cart to the nearest register and put the items on the belt. The guy scanning was eyeing my mom not so secretively. I saw her blush a few times and I was done.

"Ehem! Yeah, keep your eyes off my mom's chest would you?" I glared at him and my mom smacked my arm.

"Then how about I keep my eyes on you instead?" He smirked, definitely challenging.

"Do it. I dare you. We'll see what you wake up to. If you'll even have eyes to do so." I bat my eyes and he clears his throat, starting to work again.

"T-twenty-one n-ninety five." He stuttered out. I handed him the money and he carefully grabbed it and handed me my receipt.

My mother and I walked back to the car and I loaded the items into the trunk. I sat in the passenger seat and buckled my seatbelt.

"So nothing? No 'that was rude' or a 'be more ladylike'?" I ask.

"You stood up for yourself and I. I'm proud of you. But dial it down on your threats honey." She nods, starting the car and driving home.


I unpack everything into my backpack, ready for school tomorrow. My phone began to vibrate in my pocket and I ignored the call. My phone went off again and I finally decided to answer it.


"Hey Cassy-chan."

"Don't call me that Jules."

"Don't call me Jules! Anyway, what are you doing tonight?"

"Sleeping for school tomorrow! I'm so excited."

"Oh crap! I forgot.."

"It's okay. I have extra books and I'll take you shopping after school tomorrow. I'll get you the cutest stuff!"

"Or I can just go right now with my mom and avoid pink."

"True. Why did you wanna know?"

"Because I feel lonely and I wanted to stay the night?"

"I could ask my mom but I'm not sure."

"Oh okay."

"Okay brb." I put my phone down with the call still going and I went down stairs. My mom was in the kitchen making dinner.

"Hola mamma." I smiled and she turned around and returned it.

"What do you want Omaha?"

"Oh nothing...just maybe for Julie to stay the night tonight?" I beg. "We will wake up early, get ready, be to school on time and we will do anything you say!"

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