So we meet again

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Jayceon's Pov

"Whats going on , who I got to fuck up" I asked woodie as I drove to "the main house" where I had my meetings. "Man lil T said that someone had broken into our shit stealing our supply, he said the cameras should have that bitch on camera". "Fuck man , how the hell they find our shit , And who ever did it had to know nobody was going to be there". "So you saying you think somebody in our circle did this " . "They had too.. ain't nobody that smart" I said while stopping at a red light. "Well we gone find out " woodie said while taking out his phone . "You text everyone and tell them we was having a meeting". I asked woodie glancing at him as Turing my attention back to the road . "Yea" .
The rest of our ride to the meeting house remained silent . I couldn't believe somebody had the balls to fuck with my shit , I was known in these streets for being ruthless . I ain't care about shit but my money and my family and
Pussy . We pulled up in front of the main house seeing about 10 cars parked in front . Them mother fuckers knew to be on time.
"Hmm see they ass here on time " woodie said chuckling as we approached the house .
We walked in to all 15 of my staff members yelling and shit not even noticing I had walked in.
"Aye all y'all shut the fuck up , all this talking y'all ass doing is one of the reasons my shit got stolen" I yelled out ass everyone got quite and gave me their attention. "Every body in this bitch is a suspect until I see a clear face in the tapes." "I should fire all y'all asses for not being on y'all toes." "Max where was yo ass at when it happened you and Tony was suppose to be in this bitch watching out." I said walking up to max and tony as the twisted they dry as hair . "I said where the fuck was y'all dumb ass at , y'all can't fucking hear?" I asked through gritted teeth. "We uh ..we max stuttered ."uh we were at these bitches houses" tony mumbled . "Y'all was where"? I asked I was pissed . "With these females" Tony repeated . "I should smack the shit out of  y'all how could y'all be so fucking stupid " , y'all get paid good as hell  , barely even work I asked y'all hoe ass niggas for one day to watch my shit and y'all leave to get y'all lil dicks wet" I asked while stepping closer to their faces. I should fucking fire y'all asses! "Aye boss man , I got the tapes " lil T said frantically while rushing back down to the basement. I immediately walked down stairs with woodie following close behind me . "Ok what you got to show me" I said while we all took seats in front of the many tvs that showed video of different angles around the house . "Camera , two has footage of them" .  "Them "? I said looking shocked . "Yea it's was five niggas total " lil T said  while playing the camera footage. The  video popped up first I didn't see shit but then I seen these five niggas all run up to my shit , they way the camera is positioned you can see directly towards the bad door . These bumb ass niggas then kicked the door in ."Damn what time of big ass stepping boots they ass had on" woodie mumbled staring at the screen. I just ignored his stupid ass comment and continued to watch the tapes . After they all got in the tape shows them leaving out with my shit making my blood boil . "Aye go back" I told lil T moving closer to the screen. "Ight now pause it" the screen paused and I looked intently at the video . Someone's face was visible in the video but it was still a little fuzzy . The man had a low top fade was dark skined and skinny with tattoo on his face. I just stared at him , "His ass look familiar bro " woodie mumbled "I know dawg " I stared some more than it clicked . "Thats fucking Aaron, that same little nigga who was talking all that big shit when we was beefing with them clown ass niggas over east, that's Craig's crew " "Hell yea it is , so what we gone do , cause we can go pop shit now we know where them bitch ass bums be at " . Woodie said getting all hype. "Nah we gone wait "I said smugly. "Nigga what" "Like I said woodie we gone wait , have they ass thinking we don't know shit , then bang light them mothers fuckers up . I was confident in this plan them simples ass niggas won't see it coming. "Ight Jay you know I'm with it if you with it, but are you sure?" "Yes I'm sure" we watched the video a few more times before we made our way upstairs sharing the news with everybody . "Now don't think y'all ass safe , one of y'all asses can sit be a dirty ass rat in this bitch telling the enemy our moves." Trust and believe I'm watching all y'all asses. "Now take y'all asses home" "Max and Tony y'all ass stay" Everyone then left but woodie I just stared at them before even beginning. "Look Ima tell y'all this one more time , y'all fuck up again and your done ! And y'all know what happens to the "fired" workers I said lifting my brow at them . "Yea it won't happen again boss" max said trying to be a kiss up . "Man get the fuck out , and take y'all ass home .                     -----------The next day I woke up and got ready , ate breakfast and went straight to the gym downtown .I tried to make sure that I worked out atleast 3 times a week , besides when I worked out at home.  Hopping into my Lamborghini I made my way to the gym which was about 25 mins from my house.
                         SALENAS POV
  "Didn't they tell you I was a savage , fuck your white horse and ya carriage. " I mumbled the lyrics to needed me as it blasted in my headphone as I ran on the treadmill . I decided to stop by this gym downtown since the one I had went to got closed down. This one was nice so far . I stepped off the treadmill wiping  the sweat of my face and neck . I unclamped my water bottle taking a sip . As I was drinking my water I seen this man walk in , he was tall , buff , Carmel completion and Hellas tattoos ,even one on his face,he was fine as hell. I looked in the mirrors  on the wall checking my appearance and walked over to the rack of dumb bells to do my squats . I watched him for a little bit as he stretched a little he hadn't even looked my way . I took my eyes off him and concentrated on doing my squats with one twenty pound weights in each hand ,Doing three sets of fifteen. While I was in my zone I felt a presence on the side of me . I open my eyes looking at who ever it was . Oh that's the boy from the club ,Damn I hope I didn't say anything stupid last night a bitch was a little tipsy.
"Small world huh" he said while smirking at me . "Hmm I guess it is ",I said chuckling and finishing my last three squats. "You know when I told you last night that I'll see you around I didn't think it would be this damn soon , first you staring at me from the balcony now your in the gym ,I got to almost everyday ", you sure you aint stalking me . Jay said with amusement in his voice . "Oh boy please"I said looking him up and down noticing his shirt was completely off , when the hell did he do that ? "Don't flatter yourself Jay" I said sitting the dumb bells down on the floor and taking off my waist trainer . "Ohh you remember my name, Salena , I see a nigga was on your mind " he said while sitting on the the bench press. "Guess we were on eachother minds " I said smartly referring to him remembering my name too . "Yea , yea girl" he said waving me off "can you spot me " I watched him as he layed back on the bench with his legs wide open . I stared In Between his legs he was wearing grey sweatpants. "Lord be a Fence " I thought as I walked behind the bench to spot him. I watched as the lifted the hundred pound weights with ease , he know damn well he didn't need me to spot him . I watched as the sweat trickled down his chest and his muscles flex as he lifted the weights .Jesus , he was to fine for his own good. Thanks for spotting me. he said snapping me out off my unholy thoughts while lifting up into a sitting position. "So Salena since we basically friends now he laughed can I asked you some questions to get to know you. "As long as I can ask you some too", I responded walking around him to my yoga mat to do my crunches. I felt his eyes on my ass , as I walked past him. Girl be cool I thought laying on my Mat.  "Uh sure" he said hesitantly will getting down next to me with his mat too. "ok I'm about to plank for two minutes so I get two minutes worth of questions". He said while getting into his planking position as I started my crunches . "Go ahead,ask away." "How old are you "?
"24 , you "
"26" he responded smirking
"How many siblings you have ?"
"I have two , two big brothers "
"Ah damn" , he said while laughing
"Ah damn what?"
"I know they hella protective over you "
"I guess you can say that I said smiling how many siblings you have ?
"Nun , ok so did you go to college ? "
"Yup , I went to the university of LA I'm a fashion intern ,"
"Damn that's dope as hell  " , "thanks, did you go to college ? " " Nope it wasn't for me , but I did go to the military for 4 years" he said now sitting down looking at me . "Oh wow , your brave" "yea ,I guess " he said laughing
-------------------------------------------------------After exercising for another hour and asking each other questions we both got to know each other a lot better . He was really funny and honest , I liked it. 
We were both now in the gym parking lot after taking a quick stroll . "So Ms. Salena can I ask one more question. Jay asked scratching the back of his neck . "Didn't you ask enough questions jayceon?" During our  little question game I learned his full name was jayceon, he hated being called that but  I didn't care , I enjoyed annoying him. "Girl shut up , the question I wanted to ask was if I could get your number ?" He asked walking directly In front of  me . "Ohhh you want the kid number " I said sticking out my tongue  jokingly . "Yo silly ass, come on man stop playing" , he said while taking out his phone. "Ok here cry baby it's 213-555-0023 , now text me so I can save your number ". He text me hi with his weird ass and I saved his number . " let me see my contact " he said snatching my phone "only Jay?, where the emojis at ?, nah I got to spice my shit up " He started typing in my phone for a bit then gave me my phone back . I read his "new" contact it was "jay😏😜💦" I could just imagine what my contact was in his phone. " yo extra ass" I said opening the door to my matte black bmw . "Nice car " I said glancing at his yellow lambo , I got a lambo too its money green I smirked  and getting into my car, closing my door. "Oh really , so you a boss huh ms fashion intern, that's sexy , I'll see you later bae". He laughed while driving off before I could respond . That nigga is something else I thought making my way home .

------------------------------------------------------- Um this was blah to me but I promise it will get juicy oh I got so much under my sleeve , Ima messy bitch that lives for drama 😂😂😂😂😂😂jk 🌚 . -Joanne the scammer

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