the morning after the night before // chapter 3

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A/N a quick message to say thank you all so much for all your good feed back and votes so far!! Especially on chapter 2 as I was really unsure on it! So thank you so much everyone! Here's chapter 3 so sit back, relax and enjoy!


I woke up to find Charlie laying on my chest. I looked at the clock on the wall to see it was 9.30, time for some food I think. I got up, trying not to disturb Charlie as I went, turns out it didn't work. "Where you going brad?" She whispered, rubbing her eyes, looking adorable may i add. "To get some food, want some?" "Yeah go for it" she said, wrapping her arm around me. I leaned down and kissed her on the head as we walked. As we got into the kitchen we saw Laura and James sat down tucking into their freshly made blueberry pancakes. "There's still some pancake mix if you guys want some!" She said, finishing up her pancake. "I'll go stir the others" Charlie said, walking out the room. I poured some mixture in the pan and started making a one for me. "Did you want some blueberries?" Laura said standing up and picking up the tub they are in. "Nah too healthy for me" I winked. "Well I'll put them in the fridge if anyone else wants any" she smiled. Everyone else paraded into the kitchen at presumably the smell of the now cooked pancake.

Laura and James went up to get freshened up and changed whilst the rest of us stayed downstairs to devour our pancakes. Mental note: thank Laura and James for saving some mixture.

Everyone had finished their pancakes and the other two had re appeared. "oh yeah thanks for saving us some pancake mix!" I said to them as they re entered the room. "No worries, I think we over estimated how much we needed anyway" Laura smiled. "hey you were supposed to miss that bit out!" James chuckled, slightly nudging her. "What's the plan for today then?" Lucy asked. "I was thinking swimming or something?" Connor piped up. "It's a plan stan!" Tristan said, jumping up. "Right so leisure centre in 1 hour?" James suggested. "Lets do this!" I said as we started to load up the dishwasher.


Everyone started to clear up and pack their belongings away ready to go home to get ready for swimming. Well I say home I mean Laura and Charlie's flat, me and Ellie being their soon to be roommates. So Laura chauffeured us back to our flat so we could put our bikinis on underneath our clothes. I was quite excited, I hadn't been swimming for ages! It would also be a great bonding session for us and the guys too. And not to mention we get to see them topless too, so I don't think any of us 4 are complaining there.

"Ready guys?" I shouted from by the front door. Ellie and Charlie came out but no Laura. "What's taking her so long?" I asked them and they just shrugged. That's when she came out with 2 tops in hand. "Which one guys?" "Does it really matter? You won't have it on for that long anyway!" Ellie called out. She shrugged and chucked one on the sofa and chucked the other one on over her bikini top. "Lets rock and roll!" Laura said grabbing her car keys from the side. "Lets do this!!" Charlie said as we all walked out the door, making sure to lock it on the way out.

"I SHOTGUN FRONT" Ellie shouted as we walked towards her navy and white Mini Cooper. "Boots open!" Laura said, jumping in the driver seat.

"Luce do you want to call Tristan to say we're on our way?" She said, turning down the volume of the radio. "Alrighty!" I said, pulling my phone out of my pocket.

"Turns out they're already there" I said, hanging up. "Apparently we're slacking and I just said they're too eager to see us all again" I smirked at my rather good comeback. "They're just too keen" Charlie giggled from next to me.

One direction came on the radio so of course we turned it up and had a sing a long as we do for every song we know, and before we knew it, we were pulling up next to James' car in the leisure centre car park.

Us against the world // the vampsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin