Love in Exile - Chapter 2

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Keith removes his clothes and nearly rips mine off. He kisses my neck, my collarbone, my breasts. Then he nibbles my ear lobe as his fingers explore my burning center. Grabbing the back of my neck and forcing me to lean back against the wall Keith enters me and I am filled beyond words. Although we have made love numerous times, more times than humanly possible to count, the feeling is never less than sensual.

Keith enters in and out of me a few times and then grabs the needle and shoots half the heroin into my arm and the other half into his own. Throwing the needle on the counter, he becomes frenzied and his mouth and hands are all over my body while we continue to make love.

Suddenly, I feel a wave of warmth spreading throughout my body. The rhythm of Keith's thrusting begins to soothe me with desire. I don't know what has come over me, but I feel the need to touch him and bring as much pleasure to both of us as I possible can. After what seems like hours, Keith and I climax together in a wave of heroin high and sexual passion. In reality, it had only been a few minutes and probably the shortest amount of time either of us had ever climaxed in.

I love Keith and I love this smack. I suddenly saw the allure of this drug. I was on fire and everything felt amazing. It felt as if nothing could bring me down; nothing could bring us down. The world was in our hands.

Keith shut off the water and helped me into the massive tub. My eyelids were heavy and I could feel warmth radiating through my body. He handed me a glass of wine and a cigarette, then turned on the radio. Setting down a silver tray with a small pile of cocaine on the side of the tub, Keith climbed in beside me. I inhaled a line of coke and he followed suit.

Finally, he situated himself behind me and wrapped his arms around me as we sat back and enjoyed our heightened senses. Keith and I simply sat in the magnificent tub basking in the extraordinary feeling of the warm water, music on the radio, and relishing in our love making.

"I love you, kid," Keith whispered in my ear. "Eternally."

I couldn't think of a reply so I kissed him and let the silence speak for me. Keith and I shared great conversations all the time, but we had moments when we didn't need words, as if we were communicating on a much more spiritual and deeper level.

I felt Keith fall asleep. I stayed awake and listened to his breathing and light snoring. I turned my head so I could look at his face. I studied every crevice of it. Then I picked up his hand that was resting on my stomach and examined that as well.

I was quite certain there was no part of this man that I wouldn't love; whether physically or deep within his soul. Lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize how long we had been in the bath until there was a knock at the door. 

"Yes?" I called, eyes closed, almost refusing to snap out of my trance. I was happy, warm, and wrapped in my lover's arms.

"Ang, have you seen Keith?" Mick asked from the other side of the door.

I nudged Keith to wake him. "Yes, be out in a moment," I said. Keith rubbed his eyes and smiled a crooked little grin. "Keith, you beautiful bastard. I love you but Mr. Jagger must quit interrupting us," I laughed.

We got out and toweled off and walked into our bedroom. Mick was standing in the door but I was so high from the heroin, I didn't care that I was naked. I proceeded out to the balcony with my wine and cigarettes. Bianca was sitting on my balcony, not a hair out of place, makeup precisely painted, and clothes without a single wrinkle.

"Bianca," I said grabbing my sheer purple robe from a hook beside the door.

"Angie," she said coolly. I had always had the feeling that Bianca knew I didn't really like her. She was beautiful, smart, and polite. However, when Mick threw my dear friend, Avery, off to the side with pushing from Bianca, I saw nothing but a desperate woman looking for a social status worthy relationship.

Mick and Keith joined us on the balcony. "Angie, would you show Bianca around your home while we work after dinner?" Mick asked sweetly.

"Sure," I smiled. "Shall we go see what Fat Jacque is preparing for dinner?"

Bianca rose to her feet and said, "Yes."

"Wonderful. You gentlemen don't worry one bit. We will find lots to do," I said with sarcasm and smiling.

Keith immediately picked up on my sarcasm and chuckled to himself, "See you at dinner, my love."

If Mick did pick up on it, he didn't play into it. Keith pulled me down for a kiss and whispered, "Easy tigress," into my ear, grinning.

Mick kissed Bianca and then my cheek as we began to leave. Keith knew me. He knew I liked nearly everyone, but those I didn't like, well, I really did not like.

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