Chapter 6

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I can't believe that I'm officially back on Wattpad again. So let me tell you how I'm back, well how I got a laptop (not a Mac Book) but a chrome book. My brother brought one home from school so I bought it from him and now I am back yay. Hopefully by the end of the year Ill have enough for a mac book. I hope you enjoy this next chapter


It was going on Nine in the morning when I woke up to a loud bang. I groan as I get up to see what it was and it was hang over Maria. I was still upset that she high key ditched me for her boyfriend when it was suppose to be our night but I didn't her know that. 

I watch her put an ice pack on her head and lay down on the couch. She looked like hell. Serves her right for ditching me. 

"Would you like anything?" I ask 

"Can you please get me something for this headache, it's killing me" she cried 

"Okay, I'll be right back" I smile 

I go to our bathroom and grab a few Advil's (strong) and get her glass of water. After I was done with that I go to my room and lay back down. As I was laying down I realized that Maria didn't notice the hickey.  I quickly get up and put some make up on it. The ice slowly made it fade but you can still tell it was there. 

I go back in my room and finally decide to get the sleep I deserve. 


I finally awake not feeling tired anymore. I looked at my phone and it was almost six o'clock. I didn't know what to do. I went to go check up on Maria and she was fast asleep. I looked around and the apartment was a mess so I decided to quietly clean up. 

Once I was done. I realize I was extremely hungry.  I didn't feel like cooking anything so I put on some decent clothes and went to go get takeout.

The air was finally cooling down, I spot an Italian restaurant and headed there.  It smells so good as I step in. I was seated at a table near the window even though I wanted to be sat outside, but I took what I got.

I order my food and suddenly began to feel lonely because I was sitting by myself.  I sighed and call the waitress over.

"Can I please have my food to go?" I smile 

"Yes, of course, if you don't mind me asking is there anything wrong?" she smiled and rubbed my hand.

"No, no everything is okay I just don't really like eating alone" I reassured her.

"Yeah, I know what you mean. All week there has been mainly couples coming here and I get a little sad sometimes" she looks the other way.

"I'm surprised you're not taken, you're so beautiful" I say and she really was she had a beautiful figure nice face and curly hair, and beautiful brown skin it glowed any man would lust over. 

"Awe, thank you. I'm just an average girl around here and I don't mind it at sometimes but sometimes I began to think I'm an alien" she laughs.

"Oh trust me, if you were an alien I would want to be one too" I chuckle.

"But you're gorgeous I'm sure you have guys flying over to you" 

"Haha, I do but not the right ones. We should hangout sometime, you seem really cool to talk to and hang around" I write my cell phone number down.

"I would love too, I don't have a lot of friends and the friends I do have are always busy and so am I." she takes the napkin and put it in her pocket 

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