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Aera's POV

We've now been walking once again for about a hour in the heat. No soft bed. No air conditer. No nice warm shower. Nothing. Unlike Chunja, I didn't get to take a shower.

So I'm still in the sweaty clothes I had on yesterday and the day before, and the day before that. Come to think of it, I haven't had a nice shower in weeks. The last time I can remember taking a shower was when we walked down to this near by creek. Unlike the nice warm shower Chunja got to take I had to take a frezzing cold bath in the creek. With the fishes!

Lucky she ended up finding me some new clothes which was nice for a change. Instead of me wearing a old gray shirt and blue jeans that looked like they were ten years old. I got a black and white baseball shirt and red flannel shirt. She also gave me a new pair of white sneakers that will probably be ruined by the end of the day. But the new wardrobe was nice.

"Are we there yet?" I asked in a whiny voice to Chunja.

"The nearest rest spot is still two hours away. I know it's hot Aera but you can do it. Just pray the next stop has running water. And food." Chunja said in her positive attitude as usual. I just growled as we kept walking to what felt like our death. Well that is for me. Chunja is use to this, her and her family use to go hiking and camping on weekends. Me and my family just usually went shopping or order take out. She was more prepared for a zombie apocalypse than I ever was.

"Can't we take a car, or a train? Something to get us off our feet." I whined some more.

"We can't risk it. Come on Aera. Fighting." Chunja grabbed my hands pulling me as we kept walking. I tried ignoring the sharp pain going through my feet and smiled as we finished walking the two hours.


"Do you hear something?" Chunja asked. We were literally ten feet from the rest spot when she held out her arm stopping us. Just a few feet away. In my head I want to cry out in frustration but as I keep listening I'm like Chunja and can hear something running.

"Do you think it's a person?" I asked.

"It could be, but then again I don't know if we want to chance running into them. They could be nothing like those guys back there and be ten times worse." Chunja said squeezing her axe. She could be wrong and yet could be right. But I'm agreeing with her because the only reason I'm still alive is because of her.

"Okay so the rest stop is right-" We both stopped walking and looked at each other. Under our feet the ground started vibrating sending us both into a panic.

"Chunja?" I stood there for a second looking at her waiting for a reaction.

"Aera. I think we need to run!" Chunja swung her axe over her shoulder and grabbed my hand. We started running towards a nearby empty gas station when I heard the screams. Screams of older men, maybe mid fourties. I don't know. But either way they sounded pretty happy, I mean their screams of joy was what sent us off.

"How are they ridding motorcycles?" I asked Chunja as we closed and locked the gas station door. We hid behind a ATM and ice cream machine. I felt my heart race as I seen the men stop at the gas pumps. The sound of their bikes pounded in my ears. I swear it's so loud my ears feel like they are bleeding.

"The sun is so nice!" One of the men shouted as he jumped off his bike.

"Shut the hell up Jason!" One man screamed taking off his helmet. Right after that I felt Chunja grab my hand tightly.

"Those guys are part of the Purple Skull Dragons. I think it's best we leave while we still have a chance." Chunja said. Purple Skull Dragons? Like that old famous gang back when the world was normal. They were like the Yuska of South Korea. The most famous and dangerous  gang out here. I grabbed my bag as we started crawling towards the back door. We were almost there when we heard the windows shatter spilling broken piece of glass all over us.

"Run!" Chunja shouted opening the back door. As we ran out the gas station we could hear the rumbles of the motorcycles coming towards us but we didn't stop.

If these guys are really the Purple Skull Dragons then we were a hundred times better of being with those kids back there. Wait, maybe they could help?

We snuck past them and ran into a near by clothing store. Even though the store was mostly destroyed we found a old dressing room and hid in there until we heard the rumbles of their bikes go away.

"Okay I got a idea. I thought why not us call those guys and ask for help." I smiled.

"We don't really have to call them Aera, they were probably doing that to just be polite." Chunja said sounding a little annoyed.

"Either way we could use their help, we've got what, a acutally gang outside looking for us." I tried laughing.

"Alright." Chunja said handing me the phone.

As I waited for the phone to answer I could hear the door opening to the store. Chunja looked up at me wide eyed.

"Hello." I recognize the voice as that jerk guy named Jungkook. Even though the kid has a bad attitude I couldn't help but smile when I heard his voice.

"Um, Jungkook. This is Aera, the girl who tried to kick you this morning, I know you might not like us, but do you think you guys can help us? We are literally being hunted down by this gang called Purple Skull Dragons. Can you please help us?" I whispered.

"What are you kidding me? So we can get killed." He laughed. I felt my heart stop beating as I heard the dressing room next to us open. He's looking for us.

"Jungkook, plea-" I stopped talking and breathing all at once when our dressing room door slung open revealing a tall man wearing a dark purple leather jacket. As he grabbed me and Chunja I dropped the phone screaming for help.

Please Jungkook! Please help us!



So I truly apologize for not updating this. Between me in school and my mom being sick I actually forgot to update this, but I promise this story will have normal updates once again. My apologies.

Also, if you see grammar mistakes, I'll come back and fix the, it's just so late and I just wanted to really update this

Alice on the hand is taking dance lessons and is busy a lot. Not only that she's dealing with some stuff. So for a few updates it's going to be me...hopefully that's okay.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2016 ⏰

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