Take A Bow

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Oh, how about a round of applause, yeah
A standing ovation
Oh, yeah
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
You look so dumb right now
Standing outside my house
Trying to apologize
You're so ugly when you cry
Please, just cut it out
"He's out there again...that idiot" Italy mumbled, peering out the curtains and down to his
front yard where a certain Russian man was yelling up to him. He unlocked his window and slid
it open before he grabbed the object closest to him, which happened to be his hair brush, and
he threw it at the Russian man as hard as he could. "Go home, Russia, please."
"Italy, listen to me! I'm sorry, please let me in, I want to talk..!" Russia yelled, holding up
his arms to protect himself from the brush as it made contact with his arms.
Italy just shook his head. "No, I won't listen to you anymore. I've listened to you time and
time again and you still expect me listen again after you hurt me. Well I won't. Just...cut it out, go
home already." Even though they were a good distance apart, Italy could see the tears rolling
down Russia's cheeks, but they didn't bother him. Not any more, at least.

Don't tell me you're sorry 'cause you're not
Baby when I know you're only sorry you got caught
"Italy, please, you don't understand, I truly am sorry...!" Russia pleaded, picking up the
brush and clutching the object tightly in his hands.
The more he said that word, the angrier Italy got. "You're sorry...?"
"I am, I really am!" Russia repeated, hoping Italy was starting to believe him.
"You're sorry now..you were sorry then, You're always sorry! You know what I think, no..
you know what I finally realize now? You're only sorry that you got caught. You've cheated on
me so many times now that you don't even care about what you've done, all you care about is 'losing me'. Though I think if you were concerned about me you would be trying harder..." Italy
retorted bitterly.

But you put on quite a show
Really had me goingBut now it's time to go
Curtain's finally closing
That was quite a show
Very entertaining
But it's over now
Go on and take a bow
"I'll have to admit though, you really had me going. I believed you each time you said
sorry. Each time you said you would stop." Italy said, a sad smile on his face.
"Then why can't you believe me now? I'm so sorry, Italy! You have no idea-­" Russia tried
to call out, but Italy just cut him off.
"Russia just stop, this show's over with now. I'm done with this act you're putting on, your curtains closed. It's over; we're over. Why can't you get that through your head? Just take your bow or whatever and just leave me alone, please." Italy said, though he made the request in a
nicer manner this time. ­You're just making this harder for me by staying...­ he thought to

Grab your clothes and get gone
You better hurry up
Before the sprinklers come on
Seeming desperate not to give up, the Russian man shook his head at Italy's words. "All
right, I understand you don't want to listen to me right now. But can you at least let me in to grab
a few things? I'll grab them and leave quickly."
Italy froze, paused, thinking over the request. He didn't want Russia in his home, not
after what he did. Though he understood he may need somethings, and Italy wasn't cruel
enough to deny him those things. "Alright. But grab them and get out. And you better hurry, the
sprinklers will be coming on soon, and I'm not turning them off just for you."

Talking about
'Girl, I love you, you're the one'
This just looks like a rerun
Please, what else is on
"Alright, I'll be waiting at the front door." Russia replied, offering a small smile.
Italy simply stared at the male as he closed the window. He sighed and left the
windowsill and walked downstairs to the front door, unlocked it, and opened it. "Come in and
grab what you need. You can get the rest later." Italy said, holding open the door for Russia so
he could enter their once shared home.
"Thank you, Italy.." Russia said, still trying to smile at the brunette as he walked through
the door. "I appreciate it."
"Yeah whatever. I'm not that cruel." Italy sighed, closing the door and leaning against it.Russia frowned at Italy's tone. "Come on, with that tone you sound like your brother.
Why don't you smile a bit? Even just a little? Let me see the Italy I fell in love with, the one I care
about so dearly."
Italy glared at Russia as he spoke. "I'm in no mood for this right now. If I truly was 'your
one and only' then you wouldn't have needed so many other women to 'satisfy your needs'.
Everything you're trying to tell me now is just a rerun of what you've told me before, time and
and time again. But I'm tired of watching the same thing, I want to start something new." Italy
said in a bitter tone, truly now sounding like his twin.
Russia stared at his ex­love, mouth slightly agape. "B­-but Italy I-­I really love yo-­"
"I don't care if you do or not anymore, we're done. Now please. Gather your things
before you leave with nothing." Italy yet again cut him off, fighting back tears.
Russia opened his mouth more to say something, but then closed it again and merely
nodded his head on a sad defeat. "Yes, Italy. Alright." And he then went around a few minutes
and gathered a few of his essential items such as his hair brush, tooth brush, clothes, and other
items he knew he would need.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2017 ⏰

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