High School high life

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Your POV
You stay up late watching your favorite show on Netflix. You stay up till 3 in the morning. "Crap! I need to sleep!" You say and shut your computer. You get up and put your computer on your desk. You turn your light off and find your way back to your bed. You crawl under the covers. 


You wake up feeling very very tired. You check your iPhone before getting up and getting dressed. (There are 3 outfits at the top. You can pick your fav or which one you would wear.) You get dressed for the autumn weather. You leave your room to the kitchen where you make yourself pancakes. You put whipped cream in the middle and then cut up pieces of fruit on top. You eat at the island in your kitchen. You hear footsteps stomping down the large staircase. You continue eating and continuously looking at your phone. Your dad walks into the kitchen and gets in the fridge. You stand and place your dirty plate in the sink. You tiptoe out of the kitchen and back up to your room. You grab your bag off of your window seat. You pack everything in your bag and throw it on your shoulders. You take a deep breath. "Another long day." You say to yourself. You and Joe haven't been talking as much since you both got to high school. You didn't know why but you know that you hated it. You walk out of your room and go outside and wait for your bus. You hate the bus because you are alone and it is very loud and claustrophobic. You absolutely can not wait till you get your drivers licence.  You are 16 and so close. The bus comes and you get on it. You sit in seat 1 so you won't feel very car sick. And because there are less people in the front so it won't be as loud. You lean your head up against the glass window. You stare out the window and wait for the bus to get to the school. The bus first picks up a few kids. All you do is stare off into space. The bus literally jolts to a stop. You jump up and look outside. You stretch a bit and then grab your bag. You stand and leave the bus. When you are off you walk to the entrance of the school. While walking you put the bag on your shoulders. You pull your phone out of your pocket. You check it. The only thing on it is notifications from Instagram and Twitter. You see nothing from Joe. Usual. You shut the phone off and slide it back in your pocket. You continue walking on the long stone path. Once you get to the large wooden doors you open them slowly and walk in. You sigh feeling very stressed. It is a Friday. The main day for tests. You go through the semi-crowded halls. You venture to your locker. Once you are by your locker you open it and grab some books. You shut your locker and walk towards your homeroom. You get to the door and walk in. There are a few people already in there. You hug your books tightly and pace towards the back of the room. You sit in the back seat. You put your bag on the desk and unbuckle it you dig in it and pull out a sheet of paper and brainstormed some blog ideas. You hear more people come in and you watch them pick their seats and talk. You hear the room door open and your head shoots up. You can hear angels singing and see shinning lights around him. He has his books under his arm. He is wearing a black shirt, a camo bomber jacket, and black ripped skinny jeans. You hold down a huge grin. He looks at you and smiles. You smile back and watch him. He walks to the teacher at her desk and hands her a note. She reads it and smiles. "Here let me find it then you can find a seat." She says standing from her black cushioned spinning chair. He nods. He turns and looks back at you. You look down shove the paper in my bag and pull my phone out. He doesn't know about your blog and you don't know if you want him to know about it. The teacher walks to him and hands him a packet. He takes it and thanks her. He then walks between the desks like a maze he is staring right at you. You raise your hand and wave him you smile. He smiles and sits next to you. The desks are like little tables that fits 2. He tosses his stuff on the table and looks at you. He lets out a deep breath and chuckles. You laugh and look at him. "Hello Joseph." You say in your fancy accent. "Hello Y/N. How is your day going?" He asks. You laugh "It has been good. How have your years been?" You ask more seriously. You want to know what he has been up to. He leans back and looks down at his hands and chuckles. "Uhh- yea um- good. You?" He scrathces the back of his head. "Yea it's been okay." You say. He nods forcefully and leans to the desk. He picks his pen up and starts writing. "You know Joe I really want to keep talking to you. I feel like we haven't been as close." You say. "Um- yea well class is almost over so can I maybe be a bother and ask you to dinner tonight?" He asks. Your face flushes. "No not a bother. No I would love that." You say. He smiles. "Can I pick you up at 5?" He asks. "Are you asking me on a date?" You joke elbowing him and laughing. "NO! Well I mean unless-" He looks up at you and the bell rings. He stands up and you are packing up. "Tonight 5 o'clock? Are we on?" He asks. "Yep your on." you scrunch your nose challenging him. He walks backwards and hits into people. You laugh at his clumsiness and stand and leave shortly after him. The classes are boring and long because you are so excited for tonight.

Joe's POV

I get into my homeroom and check my phone to see if I have any texts from Y/N. Nope. Jokes on her, I know her homeroom and I have an assignment I did not do. I walk to my homeroom teacher and tell him that I need to go to the other teacher to do some work. He writes me a note to go. I leave. When I get to the other classroom I walk in and see her sitting at the back of the class. She is staring at me so I smile at her subtley. I walk to the teacher and hand her the note. She says she will get me the paper and then I can pick my seat. The teacher gets up and gets searches for the paper. I look back at Y/N and see her still looking at me. I have always fancied her and we have just grown apart. I think it is a girl thing. But what if she thinks it's me that doesn't want to talk to her. But I really do. I get the paper and walk to Y/N's table. She waves at me making me smile. I sit and sigh of being worn out. She let's out her cute little laugh. "Hello Joesph." She says in the fancy accent we used to do as kids. "Hello Y/N.How is your day going?" I ask in a similar fancy accent. "It has been good. How have your years been?" She asks more seriously. I lean back and look down "Uhh- yea um- good. You?" I say and scratch my neck. I am so nervous."Yea it's been okay." She says. She sounds so sad. I want to just hold her in my arms. But heck I have been wanting to do that for years. I nod and try to start working as I don't know what else to say."You know Joe I really want to keep talking to you. I feel like we haven't been as close." She says. My heart sinks and I want to cry. I feel horrible."Um- yea well class is almost over so can I maybe be a bother and ask you to dinner tonight?" I agree and ask her. I hope she says yes. She gets as white as a gohst but red at the same time. She is so pretty."No not a bother. No I would love that." She stutters. So cute. I smile "Can I pick you up at 5?" I say realizing I sound like a smuggy dick head."Are you asking me on a date?" She asks. I start blushing and try to hide my face. She elbws me and laughs. "NO! Well I mean unless-" I get cut off by the bell. I stand "Tonight 5 o'clock? Are we on?" I ask. Hurrying. "Yep your on." She scrunches her little face trying to be tough. So cute I accidently walk into people. I leave hoping to not embarrss myslef even more. The day is so fast because all I could do was worry about how to tell her I liked her and I was worrying if I will even be able to talk to her. I didn't even know what I was going to wear.

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