Hide confesses

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*Hide turns to Kaneki and turn off tv*
Hide:Kaneki I need to let you know something
Kaneki:yeah sure what is it
*the room goes silent*
*Hide slowly puts his hand on kanekis leg*Hide: Kaneki I love you.
*kaneki pulls in Hide and grips him from his waist and whispers to him*
kaneki:Hide I love you to
*Hide kisses Kaneki on the lips*
*Kaneki goes for a bit on hide lip* Hide:I love it when you do that
Kaneki:I'm glad you do
*Hide pushes Kaneki into the wall and grinds on him**kaneki moans*
Kaneki: oh Hide your so good
*someone knocks on the door*
Hide:Fuck! It's probably Touka
Go hide Kaneki I got this
*kaneki goes to hide**Hide opens the door*
touka: has Kaneki come home yet
Hide:yeah but he called me and said that he won't be coming till tomorrow
Touka:oh well then can I stay here for the night
Hide:I'm sorry but no
Hide:but here have this money so then You can get yourself a hotel
Touka:oh thanks well bye
*touka leaves* *hide closes door*
Hide:know were where we...

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