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History of Miyuki
Miyuki was a originally a small sketch I had drawn in 2012 in the back of my science class while bored. I had decided I liked this sketch so much I would turn it into a character. I had wanted my own anime character for a while, unfortunately I have lost this original sketch that would end up becoming Miyuki. I never knew how much this character would become important to me and how she would affect me. I based her personality a little bit on me and what I would like in a girl. The gaming templates helped me see other sides of Miyuki and let me create better versions of her. Strangely enough some kids in my school are also aware of my character because I would leave sarcastic pictures of her on my papers in art class and Spanish. In Spanish I would draw her saying "No hablar espanol" which roughly comes out to mean I don't speak Spanish. The kids in my class were always amused when I would put this on my papers. In art I took it only for the credit, but I'm still not good at it so my teacher would get angry with me so I would leave a drawing of Miyuki saying "I'm not good at drawing realistic."

I would be honored to have someone who can draw anime well redraw Miyuki for me
Thank you for reading this book, I do hope you enjoyed.

.....possible part 2?

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