The lone wolf

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Humans tend to be very optimistic. They believe that everything will be okay, that nothing bad is going to happen to them. They can relate to stories, legends, tales, filled with sadness, but are certain that such things are impossible to befall them. That is the human nature.

I was a cheerful, carefree child. Together with my two younger brothers and sister we helped our parents survive in the unforgiving Falankar Valley. Winters here were long and the only way to survive then was to stockpile on resources. My family were lumberjacks. We were tasked with providing enough firewood for our village. In return we received food and other important items, needed to survive these northern places, such as medicine and furs, which we made into clothes. We had a good life compared to some other villagers. Our only concern was the long war between the Empire with the Elves and Dwarves. My father had lost an eye during one fight and the recruiters passed him every year. I, on the other hand, just turned sixteen this autumn and I was sure to become a soldier. The recruiters wouldn't blink before taking a tall, muscular, young Nord into their army. There was a truce period. Both sides suffered big casualties and needed time to regroup. The Empire was organizing a campaign to conquer the Elves once and for all. For that they would need a huge army and if what people said is true, then spring was the time of the next recruitment. I didn't fear death. No Nord does, but I was afraid that I could never again see my family. What would they do without me? But there was nothing I could do. The Nords are subjects of the Empire. My father says that we were fighting them together with the Elves and Dwarves, but around a hundred years ago they had sieged our capital and killed our high-jarl. After that we were forced to pay them draconian taxes and assist them in their battles. Our life had become ten times harder and during the first few years we had organized two rebellions. Unfortunately, both were unsuccessful and till this day the Nords hadn't done anything to oppose the Empire. This is our story. Maybe if it were some regular Imperial peasants they would've given up, but no, we're Nords. We've survived thousands of years in the northern steppes. We will fight and we will not let ourselves be slaves of another faction. When I walked around the village I could see the fire in people's eyes, I've heard it in the way they talk about the Empire. We Nords prefer to die, rather than not being free. This is our true nature.

It was not before the snow started melting that I truly felt that my time was running out. A few weeks later word came from Arindal – the city that is controlling the Imperial parts of the Falankar Valley, that recruitment had started. I felt anxiety and anger and I left home. I took my axe and went to the nearby forest. I started swinging frantically at the first tree I saw as tears began to fill my eyes. Sam, my youngest brother got sick a day ago. My mother and sister had to stay home and take care of him, while father and my other brother do all the work. They couldn't gather enough to satisfy the demand by themselves. It started getting dark when I finally felt better. I had already cut down three trees and I decided to come back tomorrow to take them home. On my way I smelled smoke. My heart skipped a beat when I climbed the hill my house was on. It was gone. It was made into burning ruins. I dropped everything and rushed.

"Father, mother! Where are you?"

Then I heard a moan from the ruined house. I saw my father pressed down under a big wooden log. With tears in my eyes I tried everything I could to lift it. It didn't budge.

"Jorren..." He whispered. "Come close."

"Are you alive?" I asked, shaking.

"Jorren, listen... everyone is trapped here..." He said after which he coughed blood. "They won't survive. Neither will I..."

"Don't say such a thing! I will take you all out of here!" I screamed.

"Shut... up. Listen to me... the Imperials did it. I don't... know why."

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