Chapter 3

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Thank you to the 2 people who i know for sure are reading! Hope you like this! Please just leave a comment so i can see who likes it- oh and if you wanted a part too, let me know! Please don't worry about half the stuff i put in brackets next to the POV's btw it's just the shiz the pops into my thick brain! THANK Y'ALL! xxxx

Harry's POV (again :L)

We arrived back at the house around midnight, and we were both surprised to see that aside from the other boys we were the only people home! I shouldn't have been surprised considering it was our house and all but as of late we've been so busy with meetings, we've literally had a house full every day.

"Hey love ducks" Louis called from the living room as we stepped into the porch. "i'm pretty sure it's birds Louis..." Olivia trailed off as we entered the lounge to see louis sitting with just some spedos in a paddling pool with a good 15 rubber ducks. The room light by about six candles and a few torches."Do I want to know?" I said with a sight turning to the other boys whom were sitting on the sofa drawing faces on ducks, too in their boxers/ swimming shorts.

Niall was the first to answer through a mouth full of something "decided it'd be fun to fill the baths with water and fill them with rubber ducks to brighten up the place" "Okayy still doesn't explain why you're all practically naked and by the looks taking it in turn to sit in a kids pool?" Olivia put in. "Ohhhh you love it really" Louis said slapping her bum, to which she splashed him and i raised an eyebrow whispering 'yellow' to him.

Zayn finished off the explanation. "Oh yeah. well we got these baby rubber ducks from the corner shop and by accidental some of them went through he drain a clogged up the water pipes.... so the upstairs is pretty flooded and as a result the electricity is fucked up and now we have no electricity.... and because we haven't been shopping we only have the rice krispes that nialls eating to last us." What the hell. I go out for a few hours and this happens! "Okay. Let me get this straight. You've decided that because the upstairs is pretty flooded and as a result the electricity is fucked up and now we have no electricity.... and because we haven't been shopping we only have the rice krispes that nialls eating to last us the best thing to do ISN'T TO CALL A PLUMBER/ELECTRICIAN/ONE OF OUR MANAGERS; YOU'LL JUST BATHE IN A PADDLING POOL WHILE DRAWING FACES ON RUBBER DUCKS?!"

They looked around and i could see Livia stiefilling back laughter. The silence was broken by Liam usualy the sensible one but apparently not in a crises (wtf?!) saying, "Pretty much".

To be honest- i know deep down if it had been one of the others on a date this would still have happened. And no doubt i would be the ring leader! I took a deep breath and was about to answer with some rubbish idea about paying for a hotel or going back to our management to demand they find a plumber when Liv spoke. "Well.... i wouldn't want you boys to starve so why not come stay at mine tonight? It's a 2 bed place i share with Charl another dancer, and i'm sure we can squeeze you in. I've a working water system too so you can bath or shower etc.... that is unless you'd rather sit in the dark without food or- "

"WE'RE COMMING!" Niall said at the mention of food. "Yeah thanks liv- if you don't mind having the 5 of us?" i asked pulling her into a hug. "Really harry it would be my pleasure."

Olivia's POV (for the first time *sings like the script- oooohohohohhhooo*)

Shit. Mental note to keep the apartment much tidier in case of situations like this! I sent a speedy text to Charleen.

Charl, look i'm sorry for asking but could you go into my bedroom and chuck my dance kit in the wardrobe, in the lounge there's my underwear drying -__- can you like hide it anywhere! and em sorry, in the spare room i've left my rather sluty Halloween outfit on a hanger- JUST GET RID OF IT! thank youuu sooo much it's just there's some special visitors coming who CAN NOT FIND ANY OF IT! love you! i owe ya one xxx

She replied quickly-

Hahaha sure babe! ooohhhh might have introduce myself ;)

I Text back that she'd be most welcome. Soon enough the boys were ready to go and we headed out the door embarking on the short walk to my apartment.

Slipping the key into the lock i held my breath praying Charl had been round. Thank heavens to the effing gos- she had. "So it's not much, but it's home! please excuse the mess boys- i'm a sixteen year old girl not Anthea Turner!" they all laughed and made themselves at home on the sofa. None of them past comment when i dropped the 16 comment though- Harry had obviously filled them in.

"anyone wanna use the shower?" i asked as i walked over to where i kept the bath robes.

"With you? surreeeee" Zayn winked. "Oh ahaha comedy genius!" I remarked chucking him a big white towel. The others weren't needing a shower, louis had made use witht he pool and the rest had washed before the attack of the killer ducks as i was now calling it.

"How bout a game..... maybe i have never?" Harry asked. Everyone willing agreed (no surprise there!) i went to go get some glasses and booze when there was a sound at the door. Charl was home!

She stumbled in with Lucy, one of her friends, having been out in the clubs this evening. "HHEEEEyyyyyYyyy Livia my lovely! lovely! lovely! bitch! cherry pie!" Lucy grasped me in a tight hug Oh she was drunk. She left promptly no doubt feeling sick. I explained the situation to Charl, she'd only met one direction briefly at a meeting so we did the whole, "Charleen this is louis." Louis- charleen" "Charleen -niall" etc... !

An hour or so later....

"I haverreer neverrr been caught giving a blow job." Charl send proudly, extreemly drunk still.

I kept my glass still as did Louis, Harry, Niall and Liam, nope, i'dnever been caught. Mr. Malik however took one heck of a gulp from his WKD. "OOOhhh do tell Zayn" louis said in some weird voice.

"Hmm?! what i haven't been caught?" "Then why'd you drink?!"Liam said sarcastically. "Wait what i thought you drank if you hadn't ever done.... huh i'm confused." He said shaking his head. "Oh my god we've been playing all night and you still don't get it?" I asked giving him a kiss on the cheek. "No. i mean the rules are weird, i'm much better at.... say strip poker?" The lads cheered at this comment and Charleen and i quickly shook our heads to signal it was only a mere fantasy.

"so we have a pull out sofa for 2, one spare blow up single bed and.... er thats it." I announced.....

"Well and, er, i guess we could have one with me and one in with you?" Charl replied.... i guess that would work.

"Okkaayyy well, BAAM SHARRING WITH OLIVIA!" Harry screamed. woooaaahhhh he was keen!

"BAAM WITH CHARL!" Zayn claimed. which left the others battling over the single.

After a good hour making up the beds again we could finally settle down. Being the brilliant host i am ;) I let everyone else use the bathroom first before i went in. I brushed my teeth, scooped my hair into a messy pony tail and slipped into a silky pair of topshop knicker-shorts and a navy vest top. As i turned all the lights off as i passed each room i entered my own. Harry was in bed -on my normal side!- he'd switched off the lights leaving just my bed side lamp to light the room. I slipped into bed next to him. I'd only ever shared a bed at sleepovers with friends... so this was new!

"Come here! there's like a mile between us hun!" Harry pulled me into his chest wrapping me in the duvet while leaning and turning the light off. "Night hunny" he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Night. oh and Harry?" "yeas?" "You're on MY side of the bed!" he chuckled that sexy laugh. "Oh really." "MMhhhmm!" "Well i'll make it up to you..... Oh and i still wanna see that Halloween costume" and with that i heard his soft snores start up. "HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT THAT?!" Not realising i'd said it out loud. He muttered one word under his sexy sleepy breath."Charleen"

Of course. Well 2 can play that game.....


okay sorry it's abit boring! let me know waht you think! please Fan & Vote! xxxx

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