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" The truth will be their salvation, and right now she did find a solution"

A week later

Lilly's pov: 

I had to host youtube fanfest once again this year it was in New York , all of our friends would be on the show , I would dance and talk to the public and introduce them some youtubers , one of them being Yousef. I was excited to be on stage with him tonight. But right now I didn't have time for that I had work to do.

Yousef's pov: 

I had a meeting with Lills for rehearsal, we had a good idea for the public , she would call me then I had to appear dressed in a ridiculous outfit that was a mix between Tupac and Ghandi. It sure was going to be a fun night. 

Seeing that Lilly was already on stage rehearsing I went to join her there. 

"Ok guys , that was great you all did amazing thank you, you're all free to go for now"

"Oh I already have to go I just came in"

"Yousef , I didn't see you coming , were you there the whole time ?"

"Nah , I would have loved to,  but for the little that I've just seen it looked amazing "

"You treating my ego way too good"

"Well I'm just saying the truth"

"Yeah , well the truth got me blushing internally.. Anyway let me get over the drill for tonight you will have to come when you hear me talk about you , I will introduce you like , praising you and stuff and then you will come in dressed with your orange robe sunglasses and backwards hat , being a show off who is trying to convince us that he is a humble person. This will be a good way to make fun of all the stupid drama that always surrounds you" 

She started showing me the stage , and gave me a few direction.

"Thanks Lills, its going to be so funny , I can't wait for tonight . But less work talk wanna grab something to eat now ?"

"Kay lets go"

Lilly's pov:

The show was going amazing and now was Yousef's turn to come on stage. This was the most important part of the night for me , hell it was one of the most important moment of my life. What is going to be his reaction I didn't know anything , it was so risky for me to do what I was about to do but still I had to... everything was ready , there was no turning back.

"So , right now , I'm going to introduce you to someone you all know right , he is a boy , he wears  caps a lot and likes rawring. Okay Okay I see you all screaming his name , Yup its Fouseytube but me I'm going to introduce to a Yousef that you don't know. I'm going to reveal the truth right now . Show you the Yousef that I know !

Do you want me to expose Yousef ?! "

The public was screaming it was crazy 

"OK well let me show you a few footages first !"

Yousef's pov: 

Oh my god , this wasn't planned at all , what was she doing ?! Expose me ?!  Man is this a prank or something ?! I didn't know what was going on right now ... praying to god for the best I started watching the footage

No one's pov: 

On the big screen now showed Yousef at the gym , doing motivational speeches for a few sec that was it but then appeared all of the times Yousef and Lilly were together , all the times that he said that Lilly rejected him , all the times that they tweeted each other . And then some unknown footage were shown, it was him in hugging Lilly , making her laugh holding her hand . And all of this was shot by their friends with their vlogging camera. At every party they had filmed them secretly. And now thousands of people were staring at it.

In each pictures or video Lilly was genuily smiling or laughing , Yousef's heart was now melting , his eyes tearing at the end.

"Ok , well that was the Yousef I know did you like it ?! Oh and yeah you did all noticed some things that paramjeet would kill me for in there too right !? Crazy Crazy Crazy ! 

Please give it up for the one that I am proud to call my boyfriend YOOOOOOUUSSSSEF !!

Lilly's pov:

The crowd was euphoric now as I saw a very astonished Yousef getting on stage dressed so ridiculously I couldn't help but laugh when he shot me a "What are you doing" glare. But I knew that he wouldn't stay lost ver long and that's how in no time he recomposed himself and started talking

"How are you doing everyone !!!? Wooooo incredible so much love I like it y'all are the best , I see you are accepting the "Real" me very well thank you thank you"

"Hey and now they know that the real you dresses like that all the time too"

"What I did say that I was the Tupac and Ghandi of youtube , I need to live up to expectations."

No one's pov:

And the show went on , never did they say something more than showing the footage and the word boyfriend but that was more than enough for the public to know that they were indeed together now. Both felt freed by this act , and Yousef , well he was so touched by what Lilly made for him that he couldn't help but add at the end of the show.

"Before you all go , I wanted you to give it up for the woman that made me even more happy than I already was, she made me stronger and I thank her everyday for making me feel so alive. The love that we share is worth living , so don't you guy be scared to show your love to someone because we never know what could be the outcome of it"

At this point everyone was screaming , and the other Youtubers came on stage to say goodbye. Yousef changed his clothes and now stood at the other end of the stage opposite to where Lilly was standing waving at the crowd. This night was perfect.

But nothing could have prepared them for what was to come 

Out of nowhere a shrieking sound resounded  putting a stop to the festivities ...

Author's note:

DUN DUN DUUUUUN ! What is happppeeenniiing ! 

Sooo hope y'all liked it !

Thanks so much for reading , I appreciate the support 

And to address the VMA's matte , this thing just got me feeling myself ! I don't care if she said that she can't go , the fact that she answered AND said "I would've loved to" is a BIIG step guys ! Because remember Yousef's tweet did say the word "DATE" so I mean I'm just saying but... prepare yourself cause this ship is about to sail ! :D :D (one day or another ... )

And if it doesn't (touching wood frantically) well it's cruising in my head and that's enough for me too I guess :) as long as Yousef and Lilly are happy I'm Happy !

Byyyee !! 

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