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The sun shone through the tapestry hung over my window, casting a vague shadow of the sun and moon to dance across the opposite wall. Reflections of the sun glisten off the Polaroid strips lining the wall, causing some beams of light to shine straight into my sleep filled eyes. I push the blanket off of my half naked body and rub the smeared make-up off my face, slowly making my way to my temples to attempt to ease the migraine that's quickly making its way to the front of my head.

I ignore the pleas my body makes not to move from the comfort of my bed and decide to get some water and an aspirin before my headache gets any worse.

Immediately regretting my decision, I haul my upper body up into a sitting position and swing my bruise covered legs over the edge of the bed. The hardwood floor is cold on my feet, causing a shiver to run up my spine. I grab the blanket off my bed and wrap it around me.

The walk to the kitchen was unnecessarily long and painful. My legs ache and my head hurts and each step I take shoots pain all over my body. Events from last night scatter the counter tops. Plastic cups litter the floor and empty liquor bottles take over the majority of the counter.

Sadly, I don't remember much from last night. Well, maybe that's a good thing but I kind of want to remember if I did anything completely stupid that could possibly live with me for the rest of my life.

I open the drawer and dig through the shit until I find the aspirin that I desperately needed. Finally finding the tiny bottle, I try to clean off a space on the counter so I could jump up and find I glass. I don't exactly trust any of the plastic cups in this house. I may be hung-over but I'm not completely oblivious to things.

Before I could reach the glass, a hand grabs it before I could and carefully pulls me off the counter.

Who the hell is this?

I guess he could tell I couldn't remember who he is because he stuck his hand out for me to shake, a small smile making its way to his face, "I'm Ashton Irwin, and you're Julianne Sanders. We met in the bar 72 hours ago."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2016 ⏰

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