Two: Talia

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 When I woke up the next morning the bunker was silent, except for the sounds of sleep.

I crept quietly down the ladder of the bunk bed, feeling carefully for footholds in the dark. Once I reached the ground, I leaned against the ladder for support as I peeked at the bottom bunk. Magnus was still sound asleep. I gently touched his shoulder and he stirred, but didn't wake up.

I directed my gaze to the bunk bed next to mine, and was surprised to find it empty, considering that's where Nicole and Max normally slept. I sighed, thinking that maybe they were upstairs, and started in the direction of the staircase.

I climbed in a smothering silence. My head was filled with questions. Why had the alarms, intended to warn us of an incoming attack, go off? Where was Nicole? And...what had happened last night?

My thighs were burning once I reached the top of the stairs and emerged into the artificial light of the hallway. I heard movement nearby, maybe in the mess hall or one of the dormitories.

I headed in the direction of my dorm and went inside after entering my room code on the door's keypad. My skin was cold as I undressed in the bathroom, showered, and toweled off in front of the mirror.

I studied my reflection. I'd never really looked at myself before, with good reason. I'd never really cared what I looked like, until I started scrutinizing every flaw. Was what had happened last night something to do with how I looked? I never wore makeup or did much of anything with my hair, which refused to be tamed. I wasn't busty or leggy or remarkable at all. I was short and of medium weight, with plain features, like so many other girls. I wasn't ugly, but I wasn't stunning, either.

Yet somehow I doubted that how I looked was the problem. At least, it had never been before. But both Magnus and I had changed since the island. Maybe being surrounded by wealth and beauty made him question being with someone like me because, technically speaking, he could have any girl in this country that he wanted.

Once I had wrapped a towel around myself, I dug around in a drawer beneath the sink, where I unearthed some of Nicole's eyeliner that had ended up in my room. I swiped some on, dressed in rebel-issued clothing and left the room.

I followed the sounds of talking and laughter out into the mess hall, a large room at the center of the complex circled by the dorms and a narrow corridor. I picked out a few voices even from a distance: Max, Nicole, and...The sound stopped me in my tracks. No, it couldn't be. They were on the island, still serving their time for the crimes they had committed. They couldn't be here.

Still, I pushed myself to an energetic jog, and once I entered the room, my jaw nearly hit the floor.

The islanders were here, every last one that I could remember. Nicole and her best friend Sasha, her blonde waves cut to her chin, were embracing in the center of the room. Fox, a friend from the Revolution, and Max were addressing a group of exhausted-looking islanders at a table near the food window. And then I saw Magnus, standing awkwardly next to my best friend Sammy, who looked just as perky as ever, but years older.

As soon as she saw me, Sammy's face broke into an excited grin, and as she began to wave she jumped up and down. Magnus and I locked eyes, and without even seeing them up close I could sense the pain there.

"Talia!" Sammy pushed past other groups reuniting all over the cafeteria until she reached the doorway, where I stood with my hand clutching the door jamb. She reached me quickly and threw her arms around me, which forced a smile to cross my face.

"Omigosh, how are you?" Sammy cried once we broke apart. "I can't believe you're here! After you left the island I thought I'd never see you again."

The Revolution (Book 3 of The Exiles series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora