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Not every child had good times in their life's - trust me- I'm one of them. But mine had left scars on me- literally. My back has whip marks; thanks to my abusive father and his addictive drinking and drugs. Every time he comes home, he always blame me or my older siblings or at least I have any. I don't remember if I have any siblings at all. All I remember is hearing their names... Deby and Michales. But the thing is that I don't remember anything from my name to my birth date. Then, that all changed; it changed my life when one day both of my parents we're asleep- right after my father whipped me. That night something motivated me to end all of this...forever. I snuck into the kitchen once both of them we're asleep. I grabbed one large kitchen knife, a box of matches and a few gallons of gasoline so I can burn this place to the ground. I carried them upstairs quietly and place two gallons of gasoline at my parents door. I then opened the door and walked in; with the knife hiding behind my back. The stench of achohale came to me but I pushed it aside and walked towards my parents sleeping bodies. As I slowly walked to the bed,  I felt a dark energy growing inside of me...for a fucking five year old...damn. Then,  my "beloved father" turned around and reached out for his achohole that is near the night stand...right where I was. Then,  I stabbed his hand,  letting out a painful scream which somehow I got the anderline from. A smile appeared on me as I finally ended his life. I then looked at my mother,  who is now awake and in shock from the scene I had made. Her eyes seemed betrayed, and..... Heh,... scared. "What's wrong mommy....?? Do you want to be with.... Daddy??? A man that abused me!?!?!?! " I then slit her throat, making blood go down her beautiful tan skin color. As she slowly die, I took off the tops from the two gallons of gasoline and start to make a trail on the bedrooms, hallways, bathrooms and the kitchen. I then took a match, and let it drop on the trail of gasoline, running away from that house.....forever

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