Chapter 1

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Emily's P.O.V

I was cooking dinner as usual and all the boys were goofing off as always. Paul and Quil were wrestling on the couch. I banged my spoon on the table and yelled, “Knock it off you two!” They looked at me and said “Yes Emily.” All the boy went back to looking at the football game. The phone start ringing,i grabbed it and answered, “Hello?” The man on the phone said “ Is this Miss Young?” I answered confused, “Yes this is she, may i ask who's calling?” Officer Blake said “ I'm officer Blake and i have some bad news.” I was worried and i said, “ okay whats the bad news sir?” He said, “ Do you know a Miss Veronica Carson?” I said, “ Oh yes, shes my best friend. why.. what happened?” He sighed and said “ Miss Carson been in a coma for a month due to a car accident but she died yesterday morning.” I whispered, “ that cant be.” He said “ I'm Sorry Miss Young, but we also have some other news...” His voice trail off since i was so shocked, i dropped the phone on the floor. Everyone stopped and looked at me, Sam said, “Emily honey..whats wrong?” I all a sudden felt weak, i almost dropped to the floor crying and said, “V-veronica..s-shes gone.” Sam catches me before i fell and said “It will be okay Emily.” I hugged him crying,then pulled away and wiped my tears. I picked up the phone and said, “ Officer Blake..what about her children?  He said, “ In her will she gave you full custody of her children.” I covered my mouth and said, “ Can you hold on for a minute?” He said, “Of course.” I looked at Sam and said, “ Umm Sam..can Veronica kids stay with us..she gave me full custody of them.” Sam said, “ Of course they can sweetheart.” I squealed and hugged him. Everyone laughed. I grabbed the phone and said, “ Yes, Mr.Blake they may live with us, they will be here Friday? okay bye.” I hanged up the phone and Jacob said, “ So you guys are getting a few umm guests right?” Wow i almost forgot the boys were here due to all this excitement. I smiled alittle and said, “ Yes my best friend kids are living with us...she had died yesterday.” Embry looked at me and said, “ Were sorry Emily.” All the boys came over and hugged me. I smiled and said “ I'm Fine boys, atleast i get to see Charlotte and Daniel again..haven't seen them in 3 years.” Brady said, “ So there going to be here Friday?” I said, “ Yes,” i just realize eyes widen. “OMG! that's 2 days away! i have to go decorate there rooms!” I ran upstairs fast. Seth said, “ Whoa that was fast.” Paul said, “ I didn't even know she could run like that.” They all laughed.

Charlotte's P.O.V(2 days later)

hello, I'm Charlotte Carson and I'm at the airport waiting with my little brother Daniel. Ive just arrived at this Small little town called La Push...which is funny since I'm more of a city girl. But atleast me and my brother are living with some good friends of my mom. I heard someone screamed, “Charlotte!” I turned around, i saw Emily and ran over to her and hugged her. woah thats a big scar on her face but shes as beautiful as ever.She hugged back and said, “ I'm glad you guys could make it and I'm loving your red hair btw.” I giggled and said, “ Thanks Emily.” Emily said, “ Oh Charlotte and Daniel meet my fiance, Sam.” Sam smiled and said, “ Nice to meet you both.” Daniel waved and said, “ Hi.” I giggled and said, “ You too Sam.” We got our bags,walked out the airport to their car. We got in, they start driving to their home. They asked me and Danny about our life and stuff. When we all got to the house, boy was i blowed away.Their home is so beautiful! I mean my home..this is my home now. Sam got my bags, that was nice of him. We walked in the house and Sam yelled, “ Were Home!!” I heard everyone stop laughing, and looked at us.Dang their are alot of shirtless boys in their house! i can get use to this !All the guys looked alike but each different in their own way. I was going to look away but one boy just keep starring at me but i couldn't help starring back either. One of the guys nudged him, i just shrugged and said “ Umm wheres my room Emily?” Emily said, “ Your room is the door by the bathroom and Daniel room is next to yours.” Sam said, “ yeah you guys go unpack and then come back down and you can meet everyone.” Me and Daniel nodded, walked upstairs to our room, and unpacked. My room is freaking amazing!!!

This is what Charlotte was wearing:

Embry’s P.O.V

Me an my boys were all fooling around until they came home. Sam walked in and said, “Were Home!!” We all turned and looked at him but then i saw the most beautiful girl on the earth. I just couldn't stop starring at her, it felt like it was only me and her in this room at this exact moment. I didn't realize i was still starring at her until Seth elbowed me. I coughed and looked down, i saw her from the corner of my eye, walking upstairs with her brother.So this is what imprinting feels like.Paul punched me in the arm and said, “ Dude! did you just imprint on that hot chick!” I punched him back,glared at him and said, “ Shut up! Keep it down... and shes mine.” I snarl at him. Quil said, “ Dude calm down..but i guess your not one of us anymore ain't that right Paul and Jake?” He put his arm around them but Jacob pushed him off and Paul pushed him on the floor. I laughed and Sam said, “ Okay Embry I'm just going to let you know..don't try so hard, shes dealing with” I sighed and said, “ Yeah i know, i just going to be their for her.” Jacob said, “ Man single Embry ain't with us anymore guys.” He acted like he was crying and i laughed. I stopped as soon as i saw her walk downstairs.

Charlotte’s P.O.V

After i finished packing, me and Daniel went downstairs. I walked over to Emily, hugged her and said. “ Thanks Emily i just love my room.” Emily said, “ I'm glad you liked it.” I smiled,walked over to the couch and sat down on the couch by one of the guys. It was kind of awkward so i said, “ So umm I'm Charlotte and that's my brother Daniel. And you guys are?” Quil said “ I'm Quil.” Paul said “ Hey cutie I'm Paul.” He winked at me, I rolled my eyes,then i heard a low growl. Wait a growl..thats weird. Jared said, “ I'm Jared.” Jacob said, “ Hi I'm Jacob.” Seth said “ I'm Seth.” Collin said “ What up I'm Collin.” Brady said, “Yo I'm Brady.” Embry said “ And I'm Embry.” So creppy guy who kept starring at me name is embry..hmm weird but its a cute name. I smiled and said “ Its nice to meet you all.” I looked over and notice a girl in the corner, she looked at me and said, “I'm Leah.” Then she just walked out the house, i was really confused. Seth sighed and said “Don't worry about my sister, shes always like that.” I nodded. Quil said “ Is Your brother doing okay?” I looked and saw my brother playing with his cars on the floor, he looked sad though. I said, “ He use to be this really playful kid..but now he hardly talks to me.” I frowned at the thought but got startled by embry putting his hand on my leg. He said, “ It will be okay Charlotte.” Aww hes sweet! I smiled at him,got up and walked in the kitchen. I asked, “ Emily can i help you cook?” She said, “No..No i got it!” I said “ No Emily i want to help, it will be one of my ways to repay you guys for letting us stay with you.” Emily said “ Okay you can help me make the salad.” I jumped and yelled” Yay!” Everyone laughed and i helped Emily with the salad.

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