Valentines Day special <3

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Ada darted towards her room, carrying an armful of red construction paper, scissors, glue, and lace. Much to her dismay, the child didn't even manage to make it ten feet before someone plucked the scissors from her arms. Ada made an abrupt stop to look up curiously at Ja'far, who only glared down at her.

"Don't run with these." He said sternly, holding up the scissors. The small child gulped and nodded vigorously. The man let out a soft sigh.

"What are you doing with all of that?" he asked, now crouching down to her level. Golden eyes lit up excitedly.

"I'm making valentines!" She exclaimed with a lopsided grin. Ja'far smiled gently before handing her back the scissors. She took them gratefully, before preparing to run off again. Though, one glance back at Ja'far and Ada quickly remembered what the former assassin had told her. She 'hmph'ed in annoyance before (speed) walking back to her room.

Once in her room, the princess dropped her items onto the floor and set to work.

"Let's see here..." Ada hummed to herself. "Daddy...Ja'far..." She started, sticking a finger up with each name. "Oh! Aladdin! Definitely Aladdin." She giggled, holding up a third finger. "uhmm...Sharrkan...! Yamuraiha, Pisti...Alibaba...Morgiana..." The child continued mumbling names to herself as she counted on her fingers. Her smile turned to a frustrated frown as she reached ten. How was she supposed to continue counting now? 

Sinbad slowly opened the door to his daughters room to find quite the sight. Ada was lying on her back, with her legs in the air, counting her toes as she mumbled the names of his generals and maids, as well as...Judar...?

"what are you doing?" The king asked his daughter, kneeling next to her. Ada glanced away from her feet to look at her father.

"Daddy...What's ten plus six?" Ada asked innocently. The older man answered quickly before asking his question once more. "I'm making valentines!" She answered rather excitedly.

"Are the names the people you're making them for?" Ada nodded. "Why are you making one for Judar?" her father asked, with concern clear on his face. The girl simply smiled.

"He's a bad guy...But I'm making him one anyways so maybe he'll be a good guy...And because I'm a better person than he is!" She told Sinbad proudly. "Oh...!Can you help me daddy!? I can't make the hearts very well..." Sinbad thought it over for a moment, before nodding. It'll be a way to get out of his work, after all. He sat down next to his miniature look-a-like and the two got to work cutting, gluing and writing.

Ada started humming a happy tune, as she glued a piece of the lace across the middle of a jagged heart. Sinbad soon joined in the humming, as he carefully cut the next jagged heart and passed it onto his daughter, who quickly got to work gluing the lace in random places.

The king nearly jumped out of his skin as the princess hopped up and shouted that she had forgotten the most important part...The glitter.

After a while of cutting and gluing, the messy valentines were nearly completed. Ada passed the cards to her father one by one, telling him exactly who each of them were for. After they had the proper addressees, the girl wrote her name (which Yamuraiha taught her to spell) in messy letters on each one.

"You get the first one, daddy!" Ada turned and held one of the cards towards Sinbad, with a closed-eyed smile. The king took the card gently from her small fingers, and smiled. Though, his expression quickly turned into a mischievous grin. Before The girl could even blink, her father had scooped her up into a bear hug. Ada started giggling furiously as the king stood up and spun her around, placing a kiss on her soft cheek.


Grey eyes glanced down at the miniature Sinbad, then at the...'unique'... card.  A gentle smile graced his lips as he took the valentine from Ada.  The thought of Ada cutting out and decorating the heart just for him, made his smile grow.  Sinbad had hoped Ja'far would never guess he was the one who cut the jagged, lopsided heart, and not the child, (though he eventually did). The man knelt down to Adas level, preparing to gently ruffle her purple hair and thank her.  Ada, however, had other ideas. She tackled her friend in a hug, nearly knocking him off-balance. After a moment, to regain himself, Ja'far hugged Ada back.

"I love you, Ja'far." She she told him smiling. Ja'far gripped her tighter.

"I love you too."


Golden eyes peeked out behind a pillar, at the blue-haired boy. A light pink dusted the child's cheeks as she took a deep breath. Why was this so hard? She had given everybody else one with no complications; so why couldn't she give Aladdin his? Ada let out a determined 'hmph' before slowly approaching the Magi, with the valentine clutched tightly to her chest.

"Aladdin!" She called out. The boy turned to face her. He raised his hand to wave as the girl ran up to him.

"Hey Ada!" He greeted. "What do you need?" Ada's face turned a shade darker as she turned her attention towards the ground. Aladdin was caught off guard as small hands clutching a messy, red heart were cast towards him. Ada shuffled her feet, awkwardly.

"Happy Valentines Day...!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2017 ⏰

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Magi: Sinbad X Child X Ja'far One shot CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now