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The first time it came to my mind, that everything is going to change was when I sat in a Taxi.

I had to stand up very early this morning. The plane I took, left Frankfurt at 5 o'clock German time and landed at 5:40am British time in London.

I was pretty fucked.

Currently I sat in a Taxi to come to a place, no train or bus usually drives to at that time. I didn't even try to start a conversation with the driver. In my current mood I didn't want to speak English. So I just looked outside my window in a grey and rainy landscape. It made my first impression of England even worse.

I knew I couldn't just turn and go back to my hated but habitual life in Germany. But I wanted so badly! I had planned everything accuratly and now it all seemed like a bad idea.

A really, really stupid idea.

Surprising, how easy my mood had changed after I paid the taxidriver too much money with a politley "Thanks", "Goodbye" and "Haveaniceday" and looked around. The rain had stopped and the rising sun put something golden on the village I was in the centre of. The houses were a bit smaller and cuter than I expected. Some of them looked older, build with old greyish stones and others were newer and painted in different colors.

But I didn't care at the moment. I only wanted to get in my new flat. A flat, which I only saw pictures yet. Why should anything go wrong...?

I sighed silently and started walking with my suitcase to one of the older looking houses.

The landlady already waited for me. She was a grizzled, chubby and totally british looking old women.

Definitely adorable.

It was a bit hard to understand her properly, because she had one of those strange accent, which are way too common in the UK. She showed me the flat, composed of one bigger main room, one small quadratic room and an amazingly tiny bathroom and we made the contract stuff. She also told me, she lives the floor right below me, so I just could ask questions if something would be wrong.

Then she left me alone in a bright, very empty, white room.

Later the day the first furnitures came. I ordered some new things like tables, shelves and a bed from IKEA. The next three days I started to assemble them, broke it, got angry, started again, tried to kill myself in the toilet, build the bed to finally sleep comfortably aaand.... finished it.

The biggest room was now kitchen, eating-, living- and bedroom. The little room was transformed to my new workplace and the bathroom was still too fucking small.

And because I hadn't internet yet, I decided to explore this little town, I couldn't think of calling home so far. The village was really not that big (particularly it looked even smaller to me, because I used to live in a large city my whole life) and was surrounded by nature. After the first excitement about discovering something new, I realized very fast how normal it was. I went here and there, saw some trees, some houses and a candyshop I hadn't enough money for. Just the normal things, in a normal town.

Then I got lost.

I actually wasn't that clumsy, that I would get lost every time I'd leave the house or spill coffee on handsome people (of course unintended).

No, I wasn't. At least most of the time.

Normally I would take my phone and look for the right way on Google Maps. Only problem: I hadn't my new SIM-card yet, so I had left my phone in my flat because it was totally useless.

The only two things were now to either try to find the way back by myself or ask someone and embarass myself because of my English. Whuhuu... amazing options..

Yeah, I don't like talking to strangers, I don't like meeting new people. Haha..... when I only had known at that moment how interesting people I would meet, with just speaking to them.

But I decided to ask someone. First person I saw, was an old man, he didn't look friendly. I kept moving. Next a group of girly girls and then a couple with a little kid. After I walked past the couple, I thought there were nice enough to show me the way. But I already was behind them and I didn't want to disturb them. So I decided to continue walking and came to a lawn, where only a few metres (or feet idk) away from me a tall boy looked after his dog, which ran happily around.

I was standing there a few seconds and then screwed up my courage and spoke to him. I really tried not to look anxious and sad loudly: "Hey... eh..Hey! Excuse me?" He turned around and looked at me. I got more nervous than before, he was really tall. I felt so small.

"Eh... I'm new here and I think I got lost..", I said and looked in his eyes.


"Yes. Of course. Just say where you have to go."

His voice was totally normal, nothing I could speak about and of course he had that british accent which I actually don't adore that much, but at least his accent wasn't too intense. I could understand him very clearly.

"I live near the towncentre, with a fountain and a bakery and a flower shop and...", I stopped myself counting unnecessary things and pointed behind me, "I think, it has to be somewhere there, but I'm not sure."

He laughed, not loudly or rudely, but friendly. Then he pointed to his right: "It's this way. I can take you there. It is not far away."

He smiled.

I started to trust him.

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