| Chapter 5 |

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Since Eun had entered the taxi and had been recognized by the driver, she had tried to keep her good behavior and avoid her usual goofy ways. Yet, because of Hanna, it was now getting difficult.

"He came to the studio twice??" she exclaimed in a high-pitched voice.

"Yeah, well I guess three times if you count when he came by with food and beer", her friend explained in a chilled tone.

"Beer?! This guy is so into you!!!!", the model yelled, her arms in the air, faking the worst despair. "There is no way you guys can date though, there is zero chance his company would ever allow it"

"I never said I liked him",Hanna complained, "And take those arms down, you look nuts."

"Of course you like him",Eun protested, keeping up the weird moves, "He is crazy good looking, talented, so nice, and so into you."

"Whatever", the blond girl sighed, "you just said-"

"Do you guys text a lot?"Eun asked, cutting her friend off.

"Kind of? Like, we send each other links of songs a lot", Hanna said, giving back a stare to the taxi driver who was obviously trying to figure out who the model was screaming about.

"Songs?" she repeated, "Come on, he is a singer: that's literally sexting for him."

Hanna, too tired to get into an argument about sexting with Namjoon, simply rolled her eyes. It was early in the day and the two girls had been partying all night, only heading home now. The music had been loud, the alcohol strong, and the painter was in too much of a happy mood to fight with Eun. She simply crossed her arms and let her head rest confortably on the car seat, which made her friend quiet. Despite her phone ringing, she still did not move. And because her eyes were still closed, she didn't see her friend pick up for her.

"That's so funny that you're calling Namjoon", Eun said in Korean before laughing, "we were just talking about you."

Hanna did not understand her friend but she jumped when she heard the boy's name and quickly go ther phone, listening to Namjoon's nervous laugh. "Hello?" she said fast.

"Hey", he replied, "Sorry if I'm disturbing."

"It's fine", Hanna assured while hitting her friend, who was faking screams, "what's up?"

"Well, I'm working on a song",he explained.

"It's like 7am", she teased him, "don't you have a life?"

"I have practice in a few hours, so I guess not", Hanna heard him say, staying far from Eun who was tring to earsdrop. "You said you had studied astronomy, the other night. I wanted you to tell me some stuff, because I'm mentioning stars and..well that's a little difficult to explain over the phone."

"Yeah, I can do that. Do youwant me to come by?" she asked in a low voice, so her friend wouldnot freak out. "I'm just coming back from a party, I'm in a taxi right now."

"A party? Is it okay if you come, even though you haven't slept yet?" he asked, his voice almost covered by Eun's screams of joy.

"I'll be fine", Hanna assured.

"Then yes, come to the dorm and I'll let you in", Namjoon responded, and Hanna could hear his smile through his voice.

As soon as she hung up, Eun started gigling. "You just tried to pretend you didn't like him,and now you're rushing to his dorm", she said with a satisfied smile.

The blond girl quickly smiled,and simply stayed quiet for the rest of the ride. Of course, she could not pretend she didn't like the rapper. She knows me way too well, she thought. Both the girls knew Hanna was always following her gut, which didn't make her scared to jump into a love affair with a man she had just met if it felt right. Yet they were also aware that there was no way the blond girl would accept the baggage of a public relationship with someone from the entertainment industry. She was already witnessing trouble by being friends with Eun. In Korea,the two girls could barely be themselves, go anywhere they wanted to.And even if she were to accept it, once again Eun had been right saying the boy would never be allowed be with her.

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