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  Romans POV

    It's been a month. A whole month. Jess hasn't answered my calls since she left that day. I've tried to call and say sorry but, she won't answer. I'm kinda glad she hasnt. I rather not give her some half-assed apology for something that I have no reason to be sorry for. 

    She knows how hard it is to come to terms with my parent's death. It's my fault, I know it is. If I had just told them not to come this wouldn't have had happened. 

    I have no time to mop around now. With Jess gone things have started piling up. Things like the laundry and the dishes have been left undone for too long. I know that I may never see Jess again so, I must try to function like a normal member of society. 

     I guess I'll start with the laundry. I pick all of my dirty underwear, shirts, and pants up off of the floor. It's been a while since I've done something like this. I can barely remember what goes were and where to set the knobs. I guess I'll google it.

     My mom used to always tell me to google stuff. Well, she actually told me to youtube it but I never liked to watch a video for something. I much rather read an article. I used to get annoyed when my mom told me to look something up on youtube. I don't really know why. It was stupid of me. She just wanted to help me. If I asked her something and she didn't know the answer instead of just saying I don't know she asked me to youtube it.

     I miss my mom but, I need to get on track. Like I said I need to become a normal member of society and, normal members of society do laundry right?

     I end up on this site call wiki how. It's very helpful with its step by step instruction. I ended up reading tons of their articles for......fun, I guess. I like this site. Though, I do find the pictures to be very peculiar.

      I put my laundry in but, I only do colors. I don't have any bleach so washing whites would be pointless. I'll add bleach to my shopping list. I turn the washing temperature high as, I don't remember what I'm supposed to put it at but, hot water kills germs so it won't hurt right?

     Next, I need to do the dishes. I know how to do this. First I fill the sink with water then, squeeze the bottle of dawn for three seconds and add a capful of bleach that, I don't have. I really need to get bleach. I'll just do the dishes with what I have. As I start cleaning my dishes I realize how little cutlery I have. I have another thing to add to my list now.

     I finish the dishes and see that the laundry is still going. This is the perfect time to go to the grocery store, though I don't want too. I hope I don't see anyone I know.

     After I'm dressed I grab my keys and head out for the first time in a while. The air is way more fresh than in my house. I need to start opening some windows. I get in my car and start the engine. I'm ready.



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