Chapter 1

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(Y/N) = Your Name


WARNING: there are implied lemon scenes in this story, nothing is too graphic but if you are weirded out by this kind of stuff don't read it.

"Ugh I despise coming up with lessons for algebra, I wish I had never chose teaching as a career!" an irritated (Y/N) groaned.

(Y/N) was a teacher at True Wolf Middle School, she was hardly talked to besides her boyfriend. Her boyfriend kept pressuring her to go further though, so she was getting really anxious and didn't like spending time with him as much anymore. All it felt like he wanted was sex, and that wasn't helping their relationship.

"I wish he would stop pressuring me, then maybe I'd do it." She spoke softly. (Y/N) brushed her teeth, got in bed, then cried herself to sleep.

Just when her love life seemed to be miserable, something in her dream came that night to make it extra spicy. She woke up in another room, candles were lit on a table and there was jazz playing on a nearby radio. After she started looking around the room, she realized that she wasn't alone, there was a ripped looking translucent figure. She couldn't figure it out, but when she looked at him she felt really excited, like she had to have him or she wouldn't be able to go on anymore. She had never felt this kind of desire in her life and it was scaring her. Without a word, the translucent figure, which is what she expected to be a ghost at this point, walked over to her and pinned her to the bed. This should have freaked her out but it only made her feel more excited. He started to make out with her and they started taking off clothes and then started having some great fun.

After their fun concluded (Y/N) was exultant. She had never had that much fun in her life. She felt exhausted, so she turned on her side and smiled. She could feel whatever she just had fun with spooning her from behind. As soon as she closed her eyes her alarm clock went off.

"Dang it. I have to get up now," She tiredly said to herself.

She was disappointed to get up, that dream was embarrassing but she loved every second of it. She couldn't imagine getting even half the pleasure from her boyfriend. Pushing away the thought for the moment, she dragged herself out of bed and to her closet to pick an outfit for the day.

"Red shirt or blue shirt?" (Y/N) thought to herself while trying to decide on what color shirt would be appropriate to wear for the day. She ended up picking the aqua blue blouse and left to go to work.

"To get the hang of graphing you must learn the formula of y=mx+b."

She groaned. (Y/N) could hardly focus on teaching that day. Every time she tried to concentrate she got more memories of the passionate dream she had last night. Oh how she'd rather be with whatever it was she did the deed with rather than being stuck in a classroom teaching unappreciative brats.

After school when (Y/N) was grading her students' papers, she got a text from her boyfriend Jake. He wanted to meet up with her at his apartment. She was reluctant, but went anyway. She wasn't really in a mood to see him though, even though it had just been a dream and she hadn't really cheated she still felt like she did.

(Y/N) was beginning to get nervous at the door, she didn't know what it was but she had a really bad feeling. She knocked anyway, around five seconds after she did Jake answered the door in nothing but his underwear.

"What are you doing?" She asked in a stern tone.

"Nothing babe, don't overreact and just come inside.

She hesitantly stepped into his apartment. After a little while of talking on the couch he got on top of her and started kissing her. This wasn't anything new, but (Y/N) didn't like it as much as she used to. Compared to the ghost this is sub par at best she thought subconsciously. After a few minutes he put his hand on her chest and she stopped him.

"Stop Jake, I don't want this." She said firmly. He glared at her.

"You're such a f**king tease, you can't show me what I can have then take it away like that. I'm sick of your games."

(Y/N) started tearing up, he had never been this cruel. Each time she said she didn't want to do that he got all understanding and sweet, this time was completely different. She stormed out of the apartment back to hers. She got home quick and got ready for bed.

Even though this just happened with her boyfriend, her mind couldn't help but wander back to the dream she had last night.

"Maybe, just maybe I'll see my 'friend' again tonight." (Y/N) hoped.

Once (Y/N) got her night clothes on and brushed her teeth, she got into her bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow she fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2018 ⏰

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