broken girl

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Hi my name is mickailee good my dad is Jonathan good aka Dean Ambrose my mom is Renee young I'm 22 and I just became a wwe diva my debuts is in 3 months

Mickailee point of view

I'm laying here in my room thinking about my new job when I hear my dad walking so I go downstairs and say hi as I do every day. When I go downstairs I see my Dad drunk so I go and help my mom carry him upstairs to his bed as we reach the top you suddenly pushes me and I fall all the way down the steps before I fall into an unconscious State and watch as he pushes my mother down the stairs

Jon's point of view

Yeah I may be drunk but I know I pushed them down the stairs and I don't care if they both fall unconscious I carry Renee to our room and smack her and hit her until I know that her arms ribs and neck are broken as I go back down to get my daughter I pick her up and carry her to the attic I lock her in and I decided not to give them anything but a glass of water and a piece of bread a day for a month you may be asking why I doesn't help simple my wife Renee said that she didn't love me anymore. So I pushed her just to show her who makes the decisions around here as for mickailee well she never listens to me is always on her phone and is depressed so no I do not regret what I did

Mickailees point of view

I wake up in pain and in the attic and realize that my arm has been broken as it all comes back to me I start to stop and I was crying pretty loudly because my dad comes in and slaps me let me shove the glass of water in my face and the piece of bread and yells at me and tells me to drink I do as I was told because I was scared for my life this one about a month but I'm the first day of the second month I felt different as I woke up I actually could hear the Eerie silence I hear the footsteps and I heard a Sharp knock on the door I mean he never Knocks so I don't know who's coming in

Renee point of view

As I walked up the stairs to the attic I hear a rapid shuffling like someone trying to get away so I go up to the door and knocked she yells it's open and I breathe a breath I didn't know I was holding it because I was happy to hear that she was still alive I come in and she's in the corner shaking and crying she looks anorexic and I come running over to start crying with her " you're okay I have you I called the police on your dad for what he did to you and me you never have to call him dad again I said well stopping on her as soon as I said that she jumped up and ran to the kitchen and started shoving food in her face full of whatever she could find I just chuckled

Mickailee point of view

I start crying after my mom came in I was just so happy to see that she was still alive as soon as you said we could leave I jumped up and ran to the kitchen and ate like there was no tomorrow I walked into my room and started packing I was done in about 2 hours I went to my mom's room to help her pack and there she was laughing and I asked her why she was laughing and she just laughed harder then she said " I'm pregnant" I was in awe " is it dean's " I asked she said" that it is dolphs then I started laughing" do you want me to call Grandma to see if we can stay there" no I already called dolph he said he would be more than happy to have us stay their" "oh ok good I'll finally get to meet my brother or sister dad in person.

Skipping the packing and travel
Dolphs point of view

I'm sitting on the couch on Saturday morning waiting for Renee and mickailee and my new baby to get here right in the middle of an episode of Fear The Walking Dead I hear a knock on the door so I apologize my show and get up to answer it they're here I open the door and welcome them and I told her that she could sleep in my room and gave mickailee the room down the hall I help them put those things away and fix dinner that night we had linguine with roasted garlic Alfredo and salad nothing too fancy. After dinner we watched some TV and went to bed.

Mickailee p.o.v.

I was very grateful that dolph decided to let her stay with him in a time of need in the morning I decided to pull him aside and ask him a few things

The next morning

So my mom left for a doctor's appointment for the baby so I decided to ask him how long he's been with my mom he answers three years before she was married in another two and a half after she was married I was amazed by his honesty. I mean dean was never that honest. So I decided it was the right time to ask him if he loves my mom if she was going to marry her and if she was ever going to do what Dean did she said of course not I do love your mom and as long as you want me to yes I will marry her then he answered the all-important question of course I would never hurt you in your mom I love you guys way too much you can marry my mom I trust you so I have one more question look I know it's a little early but can I call you my dad of course you can

Author's note
So at the top is a picture of mickailee I just wanted to give tall a pic of her I know the first chapter is a lil boring but it'll get better I promise thank you for reading my book it means so much to me I k ow this book is terrible so I need your help to help me with the book to make it better thanks so much y'all are loved

💋galina 💋

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