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Still Shadow's POV

I woke up in this dark room it seemed so creppy. Why me. Why did this person bring me here. I looked at my arms and my legs, I had cuts all over me even my face. I looked around and saw a boy on the ground trying to get out. "Hey who are you and why am I here." I Asked. The boy then turned around and looked at me. "Oh your finally awake and I'm Max, your here because I kidnapped you." He said looking down at the floor. "How could you kidnap me when your tied up." I questioned him. "Well are you friends with a girl named Arie." He said trying to untie his hands. "Yeah, why." I Asked him with a strange face. "Well Arie tricked me into kidnapping you so she could get Sanaa all to herself." He had a tear in his eye. "But why did you do it Max." I whispered to him. "I did it because needed the money my mom's in debt, Arie said she would give me the money but she tricked me." Max started letting out tries. " Hey its ok, I understand." I said smiling at him. "How could you smile at this time,  your friend just betrayed you." He said angrily. "Well she wasn't really my friend anyway and I'm sure Sanaa and Cib will save us." I said to him. "I hope so." He said moving his arm a little so he could wipe up his tears in his eyes.

Cib's POV

It was after school and me and Sanaa were walking to our lockers to put our stuff away. Shadow and Arie weren't at gym it was kind of weird. "Hey, Sanaa do you know where Shadow and Arie are." I Asked her. "I have no idea and I'm getting really worried do you think they left school early." Sanaa said freaking out a little. "Well why don't we go check there houses see if their there." I suggested. "Ok." Sanaa replied. I hopped on the back of there her motorcycle and we rode off to Shadow house first. Sanaa had knocked on the door. Willow had answered it. "Oh, hi Sanaa and Cib what's up." She asked us smiling. "Well we were wondering if Shadow was there." Sanaa said looking worried. "No he didn't come home and I thought he was with you guys." Willow said coming out the door. "Well let's go look for them  and see if Arie's at her house." I suggested. "Well hop in guys let's go." Willow said. "Wait your coming too." Sanaa said looking confused. "Yeah, I may have a hate for Shadow but he's still my little brother." Willow said smiling. Me and Sanaa then got in the car and went to Arie's house. I knocked on the door saying "Garrett are you home." I said. I then heard footsteps come to the door. Leo opened the door. " Oh, hey Cib." Leo said letting us in. "Did Arie come here." Sanaa asked. "Yeah she came in with Shadow and Max, Shadow seem and little off he was sleeping or something." Leo scratching the back of his head. "Do you know where she went." I Asked looking concerned. "Well they went to the basement, then after a while are went our with a some stuff in her hands, so I'm guessing Shadow and Max are still down there." Leo said. "Ok thanks Leo." I said. Me, Sanaa, and Willow took the steps down to the basement.

Shadow's POV

"Wait Max, where'd Arie even go." Said I asked him. "She said she was going out of the state so she's probably on her plane ride now, she didn't want to be caught." Max said sighing. We then heard footsteps coming down. " Max act like your passed out." I whispered to him. "Ok." Max whispered back to me. The door then opened. We opened are eyes a little to see Sanaa and Cib running towards us. "Shadow."Sanaa yelled running to me. "Max?" Cib said running to Max looking confused. They both untied us and we fell to the ground. I felt so weak. " Willow call 911." Sanaa yelled with tears coming down her face. Max had closed his eyes. I think he just passed out. Well that's exactly what I Did too.

Sanaa's POV

I can't believe Arie would do that. I knew she was trouble the day she first looked at me. I sat by Shadow with tears coming out my eyes. He had marks all over him. He looked at me then started to close his eyes. Is he going to die. I started to cry even more just thinking of what would happen if he died. " Hey guys come on the police are just upstairs. Me and Cib both carried them up the stairs.

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