I got tagged

29 3 4

I got tagged by BoobleAndNiall -.- thanks

1.) Nopety nope

2.) no because I don't like anyone, but I know like 3 guys who do like me

3.) Grace

4.) Single, it would be awkward if I was taken and didn't like anyone

5.) my mom (yes I know it's sad let's move on now)

6.) Girls/ Girls/ Boys (10/10 would recommend the music video (at the top or side or here)) (watch the video, trust me you won't regret it ;). )

7.) 67%

8.) Deanna (BoobleAndNiall ), Hannah, and like 2 other people

9.) Connor, Callan, and Hayden

10.) Hinny, Jily, Rosious (don't kill me), occasionally Dramione (don't kill me pls), Nuna, Fourtris, Johnlock, Tenrose, couples in fan fictions: Laurel and Remus, Briar and Fred, Raven and Beast Boy (OG teen titans), Starfire and Robin (OG teen titans), Aang and Katara, Sokka and Toph, all I can think of at the moment.

11.) My seventh grade language arts teacher recommended it when the school has iPads, those iPads were taken away because 2 sixth graders were caught sexting.

12.) I'm not ashamed

) I'm not ashamed

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13.) March 31 in the year of nopety nope

1.) Hanisnotonfire07
2.) mads_grace331
3.) nerdtrashmaya
4.) Hannah_Osburn8
5.) 5SecondsOfClifxconda

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