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Aries p.o.v- it's a deal
Ugghhhh math. I slammed my locker shut, and started walking to my classroom. I made sure I had everything, because my stupid teachers are gonna give me a detention and I can't get one again or else my parents will send me to boarding school, as if this school isn't bad enough. My math book is in my locker, and I already made it to class! I guess it can't be that bad, the teacher isn't here here yet. I thought. So I ran back to my locker, got my book, and tried running back to class until... Diiiingggggggg! The bell just rang. Aka satan's cellphone. Great. I was about to run back to class until I got a text from libra.
Libby- where TF are you? The bell just rang!

Me- I forgot my math book in my locker I'll just fake a pass or something.

Libby- ok well hurry! We have a pop quiz today!

Me- ok, ok I'm coming bye thanks lib
Thank god I have a friend like libra. She's always there for me! I was halfway there until a guy pulled me into the janitor's closet. "Ok WHOEVER IT IS, THAT JUST PULLED ME INTO THE CLOSET, YOU BETTER GET ME OUT OR ESLE MY HAND WILL BE IN YOUR FACE AND YOUR FACE WILL HAVE A LITTLE PARTY GOIN ON!" I was just about to punch the little idiot that got me into this closet until I saw a boy with blonde hair wearing a white t-shirt making his muscles show. "Look, I know your wanna kill me now" he got that right. "And I am pretty sure you don't know who I am. I'm Gemini and I don't know if you know, but my girlfriend libra broke up with me." Of course I knew that because my best friend is libra! Dumb head. "Your point?" I asked getting impatient. "I need you to pretend to be my fake girlfriend." He said. "Ha! Libra is my best friend you think I would do that to her? The reason she broke up with you is because your a player. And players never change. Your basically wasting your time" I said with a laugh. "Come on please? Just for a week and then I will be out of your hair." He said with hope in his eyes. "Listen lover boy, we barely knew each other. Out of every girl In school why would you choose me to be your fake girlfriend?" I asked. "Your the closest person to libra and I want to make her jealous." He replied. "Fine. But what's in it for me?" I asked. If I'm doing a favor for him, I need something in return. "100 dollars, and free tickets to a one direction's concert. As many tickets you want." He said with a smirk. "Fine. Now will you let me go?" I asked. He nodded yes, and held the door open. Who am I? I'm Aires Mars. I'm your typical tough girl. Mess with me, I'll Crack your head open. Yeah, I'm passive aggressive, but I have a soft side of me. And I like to be independent. My best friend is libra, and she has been since kindergarten. Mess with her I will find you, and kill you. I'm done explaining myself because I have to fake a pass and explain to my teacher and explain to her why I was late.
Skip to 6th period----
"So why were you late to 2nd period this morning?" Asked libra. Oh yeah I never made it to class because by the time I tried waking back,  satan's cellphone rang. "Oh I had to go to the nurse I threw up in the hallway'' I lied. Libra gave me a look. The look that said yourlyingtometellmewhatreallyhappened. "That's the truth." I lied again. "Aries you have been my best friend since KINDERGARDEN!  I know when your lying so SPILL" she demanded. "I was in the closet with...Gemini." I replied truthfully. Libra looked at me like I just said that I killed a unicorn. "No, it's not like that! He needed to talk to me about making you jealous by pretending to date me" I said and looked down to the floor. "That stupid little fudge head!" She said with anger in her voice. I chuckled at her words. "He told me not to tell you so please just act like your jealous" libra nodded yes. "I don't care anyways he's a liar, and cheater, and player, plus I kinda have my eye on someone...."
Helloooooo! So this is Aires's p.o.v so   vote if you liked it! I would also appreciate if you guys would comment because I would really like your opinions. Next chapter is gonna be about libra, and she will give you hints on who she has heart eyes for;) ok byeeeeeeee

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