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Soulmates. Everyone has one. The person you're destined to spend the rest of your life with. Bracelets. Everyone has one. They count down the minutes until you meet your soulmate. I don't know how it works, it's not like it's something they teach you in middle school. All I know is that you'll wear it the rest of your life, as soon as you're old enough to understand what it means.

It's happened before, people's numbers completely freezing. Sometimes they disappear altogether. This means your soulmate has died. It's a horrible thing, it really is. Especially if you've never met them before. Some people spend their whole lives searching. How tragic it would be to have it end that way.

All of this might seem a bit intriguing to you. It is to most people who haven't heard it. Now, you're probably wondering how I met mine. So, here is the story of how I met Brendon Urie: my soulmate.

Counting Down The Minutes (Brendon Urie) Where stories live. Discover now