The Little lamb

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Little feet pattered in the hall. Tiny hands reached for the doorknob and opened it. He was dressed in his pajama onesie. It was just past 8:00 am., and he was wide awake ready to start his day. He tiptoed over to the side of the bed you were sleeping on.

He reached up gently touching your shoulder. "momma."

"hmm," you groaned. "what is it baby?"

"I'm hungwy."

Lifting your head you opened one eye "Can Mommy wake-up first?"

"i guess." he sassed you.

You sat up sticking your tongue out at him. He giggled following you into your bathroom. Everywhere you went he was sure to follow. It was like 'mary had a little lamb.' Every second of the waking day he had to be near you. It was a terrible habit to have seeing he was going to start at a toddler learning program to get him ready for preschool. No doubt he was going to have separation anxiety.

Sighing you stood in front of the toilet. "close your eyes. Mommy has to pee."

Britain, jaxson, Novak was just 3, and cute as could be. The tiny boy looked just like his father Steve. He had his dark hair and beautiful blue eyes. You'd only met the man a couple of times in person, but he seemed like a good guy. He only ever called you... sometimes. If you knew him more than a one night stand, then you would have pushed him to actually step up to be a dad.

Of course you told him you were pregnant. It's common courtesy to at least tell the guy. He was polite about it and said if there was anything you needed or If your life was ever in danger to call his friends. The Winchesters? Though he asked you not to call them unless you had too. Steve told he would only be a danger to you and the baby. There were people after him, and if they found out about you they might get the wrong idea and kill you both. He said the monsters after him might confuse the child with a nephilim.

You had no idea what that meant, or what he was talking about. You figured he was probably on the run from someone he owed alot of money to, And a nephilim was a child of a gang member who turned AWOL. Judging by his story it was the only thing that made sense? The last thing you wanted was to be involved with the man if he was wanted. The less you knew the better!

So when he disappeared for a while you figured they killed him. You where crushed by it but for britain that meant a life without ever knowing his father. It was a surprise to you when he called you randomly one day asking about his son. You thought he was dead! To be honest you were a bit relieved to find out he was ok, and doing just fine. He would often call and ask for photos and you would send them. Sometimes you would just send them just to send them.

"Ok little lamb what you in the mood for?" you asked picking your son up and placing him in his booster seat.

"eggs and toast and and and ummmm hash bwows"

You laughed at brows instead of browns and how he couldn't quite say his R's yet. Walking to the fridge you got everything out. It was always strange how specific your son was with certain things. What 3 year old knew exactly what he wanted without given options? It was so grown up for a little dude. Though it did make things alot easier.

Beginning to cook you looked over your shoulder at your son. He sat there kicking his feet for entertainment. Turning your attention back to the stove you watched the eggs carefully while shredding the potatoes.  3 years ago you would've never thought you'd be a fabulous personal chef to the cutest little boy in the world.

Setting the eggs low you focused on the hash browns; seasoning them and cooking to golden perfection. Popping the toast in last you took out an animal plate, and began plating his food. Lightly buttering his toast you put it on the side. Taking the food, you sat it in front of him, giving him a small plastic green fork then poured orange juice into a sipping cup for him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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